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70 million tons o聽看f iron ore on Ch愛金ina iron and steel機間 industry faces 30 妹來billion FukuiDate:2016-01-07 14飛拍:39:37    Author:C低務haoyang Heavy Machinery Manufacture 近公Co., Ltd.
  This year, China's 農生steel industry ushered in the p計用eak year of exports, steel exp但我orts and export growth rate r子拍eached a record high. Steel enterpr林科ises to increase investment呢藍 in overseas mergers and acquisitions我刀, Baosteel Group, 腦內Hebei iron and steel group h場鐵ave accelerated over對見seas investment,城樹 the establishment of indu鄉了strial bases. In recently spon白拍sored by the Chinese Society 照玩for metals 2014 (thir子開d) of the China Iron and steel t吧到echnology economi市國c high-end forums, man喝美y people in the industry said, merger外北 and reorganization of the industry w用河indow has been opened, should accel什長erate the establishment of a 美雜fair and reasonab事是le market mecha得那nism.
  Export record hig就店h
  This year, Europe and the United S兵商tates and Japan a呢答nd other developed economies, the 校風economic recovery, the intern城空ational steel market demand has b電花een restored. Coupled with insuff機小icient domestic demand, steel pr那綠ices generally increase the e劇路xport intensity, 能微both the number of熱是 exports or growth ra日秒te, have reached問關 a record high.
  Data show that 1-8 months o間光f China's total exports of 56 mil算工lion 380 thousand tons of區煙 steel, an increase of 34.3%; 錢了imports of 9 million 640 th錢學ousand tons of steel, an increase of 4.她跳4%; net exports of crud短鐘e steel exports金就 49 million 720 thousand tons, an 農她increase of 42.7%. Industry 雨計sources said, this level has r唱算eached a historic high.
  In terms of p黑匠rice, 1-8 month avera動也ge price of steel exports 795.3司舊 U.S. dollars / ton, down 7.5%. 多都Steel imports average price of 1249舞綠.9 U.S. dollars / ton, an increas不錢e of 3.5%. "The problem 物了of steel export醫有s in the price change." China I呢的ron and Steel Industry 能作Association Deputy Secretar土章y General Qu Xiuli said.
  Due to the substan近資tial increase in steel expo會時rts, the increase in the relevan作窗t international trade friction, many c空年ountries have adopted 路車anti-dumping, countervailing du們花ties and other trad資做e protection policy. Qu Xiuli輛人 is expected in the seco微術nd half will remain growth, but it i開習s difficult to maintain the 工子high growth in th算雨e first half, the growth rate will dro唱刀p. "Iron and steel enterprises 到自to optimize the stru厭我cture of export了公 products and regional distr事兵ibution, improve the added va的高lue of export prod舊遠ucts, reduce trade friction, t用錢o truly enhance短上 the ability to participate in i山多nternational market compet小舞ition." Qu Xiuli said.
  It is not only a substantia飛睡l increase in stee爸山l exports, steel prices a學市re also increasing the intensit亮睡y of overseas distrib為暗ution. In May this year, Baosteel Gro習唱up, Baosteel Resources Internat作司ional announced that it intends to 你都expand through t開明he acquisition of Aquila holdings 人麗to 85%. Aquila is Austra嗎技lia a mineral resources explor山喝ation and development of lis件煙ted companies, mainly計拍 mining assets including Queensla海年nd Lanzhou Bowen Basin coal用頻, Western Australia'船習s Pilbara iron ore re麗多gion and South Africa ore和視 and iron ore resources pr在時oject assets.
  "This is a step to win.&qu哥跳ot; Baosteel Gr靜舊oup Chairman Xu Lejiang described th問書e above investment. Xu Lejia哥錢ng said that after the 電在increase in holdings, the future少嗎 still needs a larger inves章時tment. But from the result書一s of this round of overseas investment 都西to see, the competitiveness of 山在the ore per ton has been comp高事arable to FMG.
  Hebei iron and Steel Group recently a年器nnounced cooperation with the South 呢理African government了件 to create a resource deve一明lopment, international logis匠舊tics, iron and st媽動eel industry as one of the overseas通通 industrial base. The next煙著 group is also preparing to buy sh人線ares from 10% shares of JCDecaux, ex微北panded to 51% stake to 52%." Peng 站通Zhaofeng, general m用問anager of Hebei iron and Steel Group r匠中evealed. As the world's現道 largest independent steel trad家對er, JCDecaux company al機暗so has sales network in South afr吧紙ica.
  Xu Lejiang pointed out that this熱民 year is the steel ind少月ustry exports pe市鐵ak years, the developme火你nt of regions su西時ch as the Middle East, Afric上也a, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe,飛說 China's ste上購el industry will be the fut現女ure development of the main areas現又. Although out of the窗知 face of language, culture a秒光nd other aspects of the risk, 唱麗but the Chinese steel go out 筆業is the trend.
  Usher in the peak of mergers and acqu鄉公isitions
  At present, the domestic生短 steel market is st議下ill in the doldrums, resolve exc鐘和ess capacity, promote mergers and a學就cquisitions, accelerate業謝 the transformat光熱ion and upgrading, has been 化來the development of the industry prescr票冷iption". Many ind讀新ustry insiders sai飛歌d that the current in票術dustry has ushered in th購黑e merger and reorganizati光村on of the window perio飛黑d, the future needs to accelerate th影森e establishment of a fair and reasonab開愛le market mechanism.
  "Reduction an高我d restructuring of the st紅木eel industry, shutting down the low ef為懂ficiency of the plant 志麗and non main industr場林y, it is imperative." Chairm跳唱an of the Chinese Societ女來y for metals, X那現u said that China's iron and stee電在l industry in the ten y謝時ears new capacity re新山ached 7 million tons, 理內but the investment 城見debt make financial c風新osts are too high, the iron and steel就外 industry as overcapa們錯city in the industry in the w間姐orst economic benefit of indust開鐵ry.
  Early this year, the資明 State Council issued the "on t區快he further optim那章ization of corporate mergers and acq學船uisitions market environ在美ment opinions". Se通有cretary, Ministry of industry a區雨nd information technology industry p唱近olicy Feng Fei said tha雪國t the whole idea of the pol化嗎icy is to create a better ma友事rket environment, mainl行學y to solve in the process費讀 of merger and reor又人ganization of Taxation, and f人雜inancial means are not perfec慢南t, land, personnel討如 placement problem in four a靜木spects.
  "Has ente東秒red the steel merger 都麗and reorganization of the window p美她eriod, is experi裡鐘encing a new round of mergers and acq市村uisitions peak." Feng微拍 Fei said that the Mini計體stry is stepping up the impl麗國ementation of the above docume土生nts, hoping to put in pla一中ce the policy in place thi懂物s year, to create a good market e遠裡nvironment for corpora冷事te mergers and acquisitions.劇中
  For the trend自明 of industry mergers and acqu工身isitions, many steel enterprises in su為些pport of the same t器要ime also called on the gover體海nment to speed up the establis裡笑hment of a fair and reas商玩onable market environment. Xu湖高 Lejiang said that 外書if there is no fair技雨 market environment, corporate mer著為gers and acquisitions wil媽喝l face a very big 火樂pressure. "相公;At present, the stat間服e owned enterprises and priva路通te enterprises, large enterp場個rises and small enterpr微靜ises, the gap is very large. Whether錢體 it is from the tax or environme人民ntal point of v光離iew, who came to 森身law enforcement? After the illegal ho用海w to do? These 明的issues need to be resolved, th數些e government should play a 算紙better role." Xu Lejiang bluntly.
  Xu Lejiang also said that techn長開ological innovation is the basis 算頻for the development of steel price科樂s, management and朋熱 business model innova在坐tion is the guarantee of 小謝the transformation of區會 steel enterprises. "美慢;It is now the era of big 但和data, intelligent. Steel prices not on女視ly to improve the我花 quality, control costs, should als歌筆o follow the times都工, in the data and intelligence to be a樂玩 breakthrough."
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