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Petroleum coke powd月那er preparation and applica男都tion technology of petrol影一eum coke powderDate:2016-01-07 14:40:54  票報  Author:Chaoyang Heavy中說 Machinery Manufacture Co.音一, Ltd.
  This year, China&#地書39;s steel industry ushered in t頻和he peak year of ex冷開ports, steel exports and export g好技rowth rate reached a record high. Ste信煙el enterprises to inc新人rease investment i請暗n overseas mergers and acquisitio空司ns, Baosteel Group, Hebei iron and ste報內el group have accel謝農erated overseas investment,北笑 the establishment of in光跳dustrial bases. In recently spons飛鐘ored by the Chinese Society for m機多etals 2014 (third) of the C如商hina Iron and steel technology economic林服 high-end forums, many people哥一 in the industry筆畫 said, merger and reorganization of th能土e industry wind很年ow has been opened, s暗山hould accelerate th務公e establishment of a fair a美熱nd reasonable market mechanism.
  Export record high
  This year, Europe and t和雪he United States and 相窗Japan and other developed economies, th區家e economic recovery, the inte商說rnational steel market dem做腦and has been restored. Co跳自upled with insufficient domestic月麗 demand, steel prices gener火器ally increase the expor學科t intensity, both the numbe子少r of exports or growth rate, hav跳購e reached a record high.
  Data show that 1-8 months of China購鄉9;s total export又還s of 56 million樂熱 380 thousand t都個ons of steel, an increase of 34.3%作又; imports of 9 mil動個lion 640 thousand ton飛錯s of steel, an i很吃ncrease of 4.4%算腦; net exports of crude st跳弟eel exports 49 mi路歌llion 720 thousand tons, 民姐an increase of 42車科.7%. Industry sources s妹刀aid, this level has r錢腦eached a historic high.
  In terms of price, 1-8 mo村為nth average price of steel exports 7民男95.3 U.S. dollars / ton, down 7.5%. 金從Steel imports av土制erage price of 1249.9 U.S. dollars土舊 / ton, an increase of媽大 3.5%. "The probl愛術em of steel exports in the 拍志price change." China Iron and St雪唱eel Industry Associati子關on Deputy Secretary Ge拍金neral Qu Xiuli said.
  Due to the substantial in鐘作crease in steel exports, the 這吃increase in the relevant internati了空onal trade friction, many countries但兒 have adopted an道來ti-dumping, countervailing duties妹謝 and other trade protect木白ion policy. Qu Xiuli is ex下廠pected in the second ha綠麗lf will remain growth, but it 煙好is difficult to maintain the high g商睡rowth in the first ha煙玩lf, the growth rate will dro司舞p. "Iron an林答d steel enterprises to optimize the物做 structure of export pr道森oducts and regional distr中關ibution, improve the 為兵added value of 作費export products,舞秒 reduce trade friction, 厭錢to truly enhance the ability to part白秒icipate in international ma個黑rket competition."小鄉 Qu Xiuli said.
  It is not only a substantial increas站就e in steel exports, steel prices are al場坐so increasing the intensity of 學現overseas distribut白林ion. In May this y事文ear, Baosteel Grou女呢p, Baosteel Reso很機urces International anno腦報unced that it intends男對 to expand throug件月h the acquisition of Aquila holding輛水s to 85%. Aquila is Australia a minera自唱l resources exploration 房友and development of l東相isted companies, mainly mining assets 她的including Queensland Lanz少要hou Bowen Basin coal, Wester了的n Australia's Pilbara iron or醫線e region and South Africa ore 路老and iron ore resources project 和農assets.
  "This is a step to w議體in." Baosteel Group 西小Chairman Xu Lejiang des他關cribed the above investment. X生短u Lejiang said that after the increa腦年se in holdings, the雨放 future still nee計離ds a larger inve鄉有stment. But from the resu用跳lts of this round of overs事紅eas investment to金照 see, the competitiven話分ess of the ore 農小per ton has been co分下mparable to FMG.
  Hebei iron and Steel 體是Group recently ann遠去ounced cooperation with the 村視South African government to北區 create a resource development, intern些愛ational logistics答的, iron and steel industry as one of th紙綠e overseas industrial base. The n工輛ext group is also preparing to buy姐雪 shares from 10% shares of JCD科船ecaux, expanded to 51% stake to 52%.事為" Peng Zhaofeng, general manager o海議f Hebei iron and Steel Group revea一什led. As the world's largest indepe雪學ndent steel trader, JC裡術Decaux company also h得房as sales network in South 月玩africa.
  Xu Lejiang pointed out that this黃就 year is the steel industry歌什 exports peak years, the 問村development of regions去空 such as the Middle East, Afri雪不ca, Southeast Asia and Ea電是stern Europe, China's steel in木子dustry will be the future developmen身區t of the main areas.現木 Although out of the face of langu術新age, culture and other aspec匠唱ts of the risk, b南微ut the Chinese ste可報el go out is the trend.
  Usher in the peak of mergers a我電nd acquisitions
  At present, the domestic steel 影窗market is still in the d老和oldrums, resolve excess cap請我acity, promote mergers and acquisitio說鄉ns, accelerate the tra裡低nsformation and upgrading, has 錯河been the development of the indust國匠ry prescription". Many 家黃industry insiders said問師 that the curre麗樹nt industry has ushered in the秒綠 merger and reorganiz那上ation of the window period, the futu唱樂re needs to accelerate the establi學門shment of a fair and reasonable mark老車et mechanism.
  "Reduction and res得微tructuring of the steel industry, 民雨shutting down the她校 low efficiency of the pl西雜ant and non main indust生呢ry, it is imperative." Chairman大微 of the Chinese Society for metals,匠章 Xu said that Ch南多ina's iron and steel industry in th要北e ten years new capacity reac業技hed 7 million ton還森s, but the investment debt make financ不音ial costs are too high理影, the iron and steel indu請城stry as overcapacity i唱科n the industry in the worst economic我區 benefit of industry.
  Early this year, the State Council i水一ssued the "on th物水e further optimization o器風f corporate mergers and 音美acquisitions market們事 environment opinions"技商;. Secretary, Ministry of視亮 industry and informati要商on technology indust醫工ry policy Feng Fei said that現又 the whole idea of the policy is to c林刀reate a better market envir和還onment, mainly to solve in the也花 process of merger and reorgan很電ization of Taxation, and financial還跳 means are not perfect, land, personn公個el placement problem in four 也謝aspects.
  "Has entered the又來 steel merger and r喝子eorganization of 路東the window period, i話年s experiencing a new round of劇技 mergers and acquisitions peak.&qu來動ot; Feng Fei said that the M間公inistry is stepping up the imp會裡lementation of the above又數 documents, hoping to p愛場ut in place the 錯志policy in place this year, t亮少o create a good ma裡低rket environment f可雜or corporate mergers and acquisition近長s.
  For the trend of in雨坐dustry mergers and acquisitions, many s跳金teel enterprises in舞化 support of the same time資哥 also called on the government 機好to speed up the establishmen答厭t of a fair and reasonable market 區中environment. Xu 體就Lejiang said th報熱at if there is n火還o fair market en民雨vironment, corporate mer照文gers and acquisitions will face a very 草公big pressure. "A動討t present, the state owned enterpris報影es and private enterprises, large 西器enterprises and small enterprises, t美草he gap is very large. Wheth土低er it is from the tax or environ鄉服mental point of view, wh兵司o came to law enforc議綠ement? After the illegal how to do? Th事們ese issues need to be resolved, 微開the government should play 亮廠a better role." Xu 門理Lejiang bluntly.
  Xu Lejiang also said 們舞that technological innovation is 報些the basis for the d服輛evelopment of steel 下會prices, management and business mode女科l innovation is the guarantee of the tr年中ansformation of steel enterprises海到. "It is now the era of b藍遠ig data, intelligent. Steel prices not 費身only to improve the quality, control co做影sts, should also follow the times她場, in the data and intelligence to be a 腦懂breakthrough."
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