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  • Various Specification of expansion join
  • Various Specification of expansion join
  • Various Specification of expansion join
  • Various Specification of expansion join
  • Various Specification of expansion join
  • Various Specification of expansion join
Various Specification亮那 of expansion join

As a flexible str制我ucture expansion joi影要n is installed on pipeline 雨讀or vessel shell and ma女章kes the function to com厭多pensate the additional stres亮畫s caused by temperature difference and店海 mechanical vibration.&nbs跳黃p;

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As a flexible st河了ructure expansion join is instal人快led on pipeline or vessel sh鄉開ell and makes the function t間畫o compensate the additional stres東場s caused by temperature 務校difference and mechanical vibration.內湖 Expansion join 樹上is widely used in chemical in來劇dustry, metallu近好rgy industry and nuclear ind行到ustry. Expansion join is classified as 農市metal type and nonmet來紙al type. Among metal type,個唱 the classification 坐得are bend tube t相做ype, corrugated pipe and sleeve typ在著e.  Expansion joint is新喝 consisted of corrugated p白如ipe, end pipe, supp要分orting frame, flange, conduit, etc. Bas秒麗ed on the extensional deformation of做拿 corrugated pipe, it could absorb t個如he size difference caused by 友舊the thermal expans如火ion of pipeline, conduit, containe東水r, and compensate the displ麗山acement from the direction of 西麗shaft, horizontal and angular or紙爸ientation. Advanta民呢ges: stable operation, good performanc這拍e, compact structure男玩.

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