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  • En masse Scraper Conveyor
  • En masse Scraper Conveyor
  • En masse Scraper Conveyor
  • En masse Scraper Conveyor
  • En masse Scraper Conveyor
  • En masse Scraper Conveyor
  • En masse Scraper Conveyor
  • En masse Scraper Conveyor
En masse Scraper Con見通veyor

Scraper conveyo要暗r is used for metallurgy, mach信個inery, light industry, food, transporta他西tion. It has diffe得高rent types, such 些睡as normal type, hot material ty兵綠pe, special type of soda a水員sh (ordinary type, hig員城h efficiency), special type of grain, s綠見pecial type of cement, special t信喝ype of power plant. 笑秒

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Scraper conveyor is used fo樹信r metallurgy, machinery從數, light industry, food, transporta靜開tion. It has different農草 types, such as房媽 normal type, hot material type線廠, special type of soda ash (ordinary河這 type, high effi看就ciency), special 跳醫type of grain, special type河會 of cement, special t放市ype of power plant. The slot 訊就width is between 120mm t又如o 1000mm. Scraper conveyor is a de明女vice to continuously c會月onvey bulk materials, like:powde技視r, small particles a海白nd bulk. It can convey tilt. 請員For the internal friction and la票化teral pressure of loose mate我劇rials,  when i她但t is in horizontal transportation, the子靜 movement of the material in t頻件he tank is in the same direction as t跳友he movement of the conveyor 月西chain, which increases interna和窗l friction and internal pres如可sure between materials. As the int聽吧ernal friction is greater than t花山he friction between t到花he material and the wall, material wi兒動ll move forward by the conveyor ch亮相ain. However ,when in v上間ertical transportation, it友舞 mainly rely on the arch charact跳年eristics of materials.

Scraper conveyo書店r is mainly compo話歌sed of closed section of the shell (mac讀子hine slot), scraper chain子錯, drive device and t他我ension device. It 綠唱has such advantages as: simple structur你為e, small occupation, well sealing 門資performance and 事文easy to install a跳生nd maintenance. T暗妹he process selection and layout of 黃知conveyor is more flexible費自. The great advant兒坐age of this conveyor is that can 要謝improve working condition and 學時reduce environment p公會ollution inthe transportation of 討暗flying, toxic, high temperatur舞放e, flammable and explosive material中視s.

Technology data of buried scraper conveyor
Project Model
Material bulk density(t/m³)
Max distance(m)
Safe inclined
Chain pitch(mm)



i. Material density:市市ρ=0.2~1.8 t/m3

ii. Material temperature:T≤120℃(Hot typ看雪e exceed this temperature )

iii. Moisture content: based on particl制北e size and viscosity, generally taking數東 the  not eas也不y to loose as a boundary草玩 after grouping.

iv. Materials: barley, wheat, so高答ybean, corn and grain powder計學, grain husk, wood chips醫道, sawdust, and crushed coal, pu畫路lverized coal, crushe學電d slag, cement.

v. Difficult to transport material理厭 for normal type: high temp廠船erature, toxic, flammable醫低, explosive, highly abrasive, visco上靜us, strong suspension, very br志呢ittle but do no媽信t want to break. If you want to麗他 convey these materials, the scraper 算女conveyor must be high temperature 民有resistant, wear resistan微日t, corrosion res機聽istant, explosion-proof.


Layout Form

i.MS scraper conveyor can be arrang關他ed horizontally or with a small an身工gel. The angle is less than 25&東個deg;,and conveying distance of ea們動ch unit is no more 話坐than 80m.

ii.MC scraper conveyor can 她吃be arranged horizontally or with a s為黃mall angel. The angle is form30&d朋兒eg; to 90&d電你eg;,and conveying distance of eac會市h unit is no more than 30m.

iii.When the required conveying equi家小pment exceeds the above requiremen弟的ts, it can  co妹我nnect the the same or diff間資erent types of conveyor to meet specifi文學c needs. 


 Working Principle

After the transmiss白兵ion rotate drive sproc嗎有ket, the conveyi東唱ng chain with scraper i錯校s engaged with th月商e drive sprocket and then moves. Wh爸們en the material is added fr物線om the feed inlet, the movemen影日t of the material in the tank 費資is in the same direction as the 拍理movement of the conveyor chain, which她長 increases internal friction and 門什internal pressure between materia路一ls. As the intern黑作al friction is greater than the fricti店可on between the m術了aterial and the wall, material笑玩 will move forward by the conve著雪yor chain. And the increasing嗎店 internal pressure ensure the技很 stability of ma書日terial layer, forming an器空 integral continuo事麗us flow.When th這頻e ratio of the height of熱木 the material layer 話文and the width of the slot meets a 冷內certain condition, the mat長為erial flow is stable, 務問the material speed is equal to the ch北吧ain speed, and then the mat謝弟erial can be continuous, 自上stable conveyed and finally di林請scharged.



i. Because it&n科醫bsp;is driven by the internal frict外靜ion of the material. Compare wi冷多th screw conveyor ,the bu關又ried scraper conveyor靜土 has less res雜校istance and lower energ物少y consumption than screw conv木弟eyor, it can save energy abou筆森t 50%.

ii. The conveyor chain is made厭多 of high strength wearable sleeve 件男roller chain. After a spe朋音cial process,it has such c兵空haracters as: high s商厭trength, low friction coefficient and去關 long service life什用.

iii. Wide range of conveyi西靜ng. It can convey various powder藍票, granular, bulk 微微material in large capa舞路city and long distance.

iv. The whole conveying process 工筆is carried out in a close光下d space,therefore,it is particularl子可y for conveying vola海暗tile, toxic, corrosive and other specia請來l materials.

v. The process layout is flexible.飛資 The conveyor c要技an be arranged horizontally or厭報 inclined, and can be fed more or dis報數charged, which is convenient for con相見necting with other equip計人ment;

vi. Compact struct朋數ure, small space occupat厭聽ion, less wearing parts, 東愛easy to operate and maintenance.



The buried scra秒費per conveyor should be cle南現aned and checked after each 多做use. And inspection飛農 should contain:first, if there are 我拿any remaining mate人麗rial crush in the tank, 他離it should be cleaned; second, any part內坐s having local, small區弟 hidden danger should be promptly花房 ruled out,and the chain shoul微鐵d be adjusted for不飛 it too loo和新se; third, scraper業離 chain cracks or has sever場劇e wear and tear, it should be r門答eplaced; forth, lubricating point 土朋should be timely refuelin明少g. In addition 著志to repair or replace the damaged pa暗照rts in time, one s兒影hould also inspect 麗林 the key parts了通 and any parts easy to wear有間 regularly based on物學 safety regulat男妹ion. All the above pract來但ice can ensure the machine in a good pe吃頻rformance.


Wear-parts List

Conveyor chain

Pin shaft, sleeve, ro答公ller


Chain plate


Head and tail sprocket年跳



Quotation Notice

Please tell me the following questions劇有, then I can give y公知ou an accurate quotat線鐘ion immediately, which includ秒請es additional discount!&訊少nbsp;Your email and phone number will技風 be secret.

What kind of machine do you want&n微水bsp;? For example, 但懂chain bucket conveyor.

What materials do you請懂 want to convey ? For exampl校也e, Cement, shredded co但兵al and mineral powder.

What's the capacity? For e玩來xample, 50t/h or 1腦火000t/d.

What is distance and ma為放terial’s size? Such as 草請20 meters high, the size 工男is no less than 1mm.

Your contact informati錢空on. Email address and小司 phone number are very important, by個動 which we can contact y男師ou easily.


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Technology data &nb對吃sp;of buried sc窗村raper conveyor
Project    &nb鐵開sp; model MS50 MS40 MS32 MS25 MS20 MS16
Material bulk densityt/m³ 0.2-1.8 0.2-1.8 0.2-1.8 0.2-1.8 0.2-1.8 0.2-1.8
Capacitym³/h 115~230 83~166 59~118 36~72 23~46 15~30
Max distancem 60 60 40 40 40 40
Safe inclined 0-15° 0-15° 0-15° 0-15° 0-15° 0-15°
Chain pitchmm 250 200 200 160 125 100
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