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  • Ball Mill For Ore Selection
  • Ball Mill For Ore Selection
  • Ball Mill For Ore Selection
  • Ball Mill For Ore Selection
  • Ball Mill For Ore Selection
  • Ball Mill For Ore Selection
  • Ball Mill For Ore Selection
Ball Mill For Ore 頻訊Selection

This ball mill is fi道都tted to grind kinds of務有 ore and stones t現什hat are construction 聽那materials used in metal industry, 習弟nonferrous industry and co文相nstruction industry. Our compan舊大y produces two t就作ypes of mill, they are wet喝弟 grid type and overflow type. Our c司南ompany combine advanced technology wit國腦h traditional ball mill.

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Description Of Ball Mill   &nbs理業p;         &也窗nbsp;     &票照nbsp;    時得     &nb們煙sp;          公妹     &nbs學為p;         &nbs飛男p;     &nb聽但sp;          水門;    錯兒       &n了計bsp;   &nbs草男p;           &服些nbsp;     

Mine ball mill is wid身吧ely applied in grinding metallic服數 and nonmetalli吧草c ores and rocks in mines and bu西我ilding industrie還金s. Our company’s ball mill店資s include:Wet grid type影媽 and overflow type 拍這two models. We integrate its advan船內ced technology into the traditional b放中all mill,now has fo生章rmed new series products. Our ball mi媽用ll has the advantages老有 of high efficiency, low ene說慢rgy consumption,相來 long life etc.


Ball Mill Technical Data Sheet   熱南        &n廠頻bsp;   &nbs人月p;           船答          &東銀nbsp;    從妹           行厭     嗎西      從風          坐音;      農姐;       &綠能nbsp;     &nb日西sp;

Main technical data of&n呢農bsp;ball mill
Ball Mill Type   計務     


speed of 




weight of 




size of 




Power of 


Size of out腦算line(mm)
Wet grid Wet overflow Wet  overflow
1830x3000 26.8 14 ≤25 6-16 6-15 130 8270x3900x2900
1830x4800 26.8 20 ≤25 6-18 6-17 180 10200x4700x2900
1830x6400 26.8 24 ≤25 6-20 6-19 210 11500x4700x2900
1830x7000 24.5 21 ≤25 6-22 6-21 180 12100x4700x2900
2100x2100 24 18 ≤25 6-33 6-32 185 7870x4839x2970
2100x3000 24 19 ≤25 7-36 7-35 185 8770x4839x2970
2100x3600 24 22 ≤25 7-39 7-38 210 9370x4839x2970
2100x4500 24 28 ≤25 8-43 8-41 245 10270x4839x2970
2100x7000 23.2 38 ≤25 8-48 8-46 280 12770x4839x2970
2200x4800 22.7 38 ≤25 10-40 9-39 280 106004467x2800
2400x3000 22 23 ≤25 7-90 9-47 240 9700x4667x2985
2700x2100 21 24 ≤25 9-80 9-78 240 9000x5300x2915
2700x3600 21 40 ≤25 12-125 12-120 380 9400x5300x3800
2700x4000 21 44 ≤25 12-145 12-140 380 9800x5300x3800
2700x4500 20 50 ≤25 12-150 12-145 430 10600x5300x4000
3200x4500 18 65 ≤25 According to proces信新s. 600 12200x7200x5700
3600x4500 17 90 ≤25 850 14700x7750x6300
3600x6000 17 110 ≤25 1250 17000x7800x6400


Working Princip他村le For The Ball Mill Machine  兵笑       司光    &照什nbsp;     &nbs中醫p;    子請         輛路          窗吧        &nb風中sp;         &在了nbsp;       在慢   

A motor drives mill cylinder in a app熱家ropriate speed by means 現鄉of gears. Materials樹匠 are fed into cylinder through the fee市問ding mouth.

Under the combined effect友新 of centrifugal 的到force, friction forc如謝e and gravity, the grind船醫ing media installed訊路 in the cylinder wil新那l be throw to a certain height and fell短銀 down, then the gr花師inding media impact the materia鄉商ls into particles.

Meanwhile, because o信白f the rolling and sliding of m區文edium, materials is grinded in舊刀to smaller size. Materials a就謝fter grinded will be d東黃ischarged throu喝舞gh discharging m知看outh.

Main bearing uses special r女什olling mill bearings, and請微 the seal uses composite飛森 seal. Main bearing’s lubricati明多on uses oil pump lu坐森brication. Large ball 畫但mill has slow transmiss錯術ion device, easy maintenan東服ce and start-up. 

Large ball mill’s gea票計r uses oil mist lubr熱煙ication, to ensure that光用 the gear lubrication reliable, 美文extend the serv多事ice life of the gear,雜醫 save the lubricating oil. 

The feeder is divided into two 男見types: the combined feeder and t就票he drum feeder, with simple 厭民structure, stable quantification國對.


Ball Mill Suitable Materials   &學放nbsp;        笑吧;       &nbs雪長p;    司弟     &黃站nbsp;    見為        刀銀;    樂好     &新地nbsp;   &n多著bsp;     &nbs東吃p;         &用件nbsp;       &媽得nbsp;    拍們;       &n樂少bsp;       

The advantages are: reli兒雜able operation,easy mai制木ntenance and management火女, long-term continuous operation, hi離站gh material adaptability, high 自又breaking ratio(more than 30數自0), with high capacity and effici女城ency, low energy consump了日tion, long service life, etc. I議生t can meet the needs of 朋快modern large-scale industrial 做師production.

Ball Mill Maintenance Consideratio這窗ns       &nb子動sp;       &nb舞西sp;     &nb月年sp;          低紙;            人店;           &房中nbsp;     間技          &n醫不bsp;     &n動問bsp;     

The daily maintenance of the mil市物l is an importan了兒t condition to ensure the good performa低從nce of the equipment and the nor一數mal operation of the eq謝舞uipment

1).Replace oil accordi明去ng to regular c一票hanging period. The newly 海放installed mill, the m房有ain bearing lubricating oil shoul理暗d be fully updated after做民 1 month.

2).Regularly check whether t靜做here are changes in oil市熱 quality, remove impurities in the oil.做議 Pay attention to check the oil tank 大視oil quantity, at any time t間舊o add. 

3).Always pay attention to the te錢知mperature change of main b為得earing and hollow shaft.

4) Pay attentio數做n to the equipment whether there are 厭事abnormal vibration and noise in 國水operation.

5).Check each part liner wear, time動算ly replacement.

6).Make sure all seals are in good co也頻ndition.

7).Pay attention to all the connecting b但數olt connection, tighten a月村gain on a regular bas車廠is.

8).The daily maintenance of motor 訊公and speed reduc事妹er main point according to their re金請spective technical離嗎 files.

Packing & Delivery
The small size equipmen藍生t package is wooden b體房ox (Size: L*W*H). or PP mate開司rial foam outside.

The big size equipment direc女章tly loading into containe朋飛rs.

Packing way can according to c窗長ustomers special request. 


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