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Rotary kiln
Rotary kiln

Rotary kiln belongs to building materia在業l equipment 影資;and is wildly 草報used in nonferrous metallurgy indu木長stry, ferrous metallurgy indust黑市ry, chemical indus舊體try, cement industry, refractory 湖購material indu弟門stry, lime indu數大stry, environmental pro站音tection industry要低.

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Rotary kiln belongs to請科 building materia音線l equipment and is wi地開ldly used in non匠我ferrous metallurgy農技 industry, ferro站海us metallurgy industry, chemical in相看dustry, cement 個影industry, refractory material&n地懂bsp;industry, lime industry, env視笑ironmental protection indus日資try.

According to the diffe弟音rent materials processing近錯, rotary kiln can be 舊上;divided into cement 我月kiln, metallurgy chemical kiln, lime 件商kiln, ceramic kil服森n, zinc oxide kiln. Cement 醫坐kiln is mainly used to靜木 calcine cement clinker, a我事nd it is divided into two kinds: 慢器dry process cement kiln and w問習et process cement kiln. Metallu業費rgy chemical kiln is mainly used for 內有poor iron ore magnetizing roasting in 購白steel factory. Oxidation r妹弟oasting of chromium and nicke兵笑l ore. It is also used 我商for extracting of從道 tin and lead by chlorinati中西on volatilization roasting, fo厭森r refractory plant roasting 畫有high alumina bauxite and aluminum plan間愛t roasting clinker, aluminum hydroxi微妹de and for chemical plants ro謝水asting chrome ore and 亮市chrome ore powd舊用er. Lime kiln is used for roas電通ting acive lime and森鐵 light burned do那水lomite used in iron and厭友 steel plant, ferroalloy plan體說t and calcium carbide plant. Cer師長amic kiln is used for calcination an火懂d manufacture of various ceramic of 湖黃materials bauxite, clay, y喝照ellow mud, river服時 sludge, fly ash, shale, coa呢森l gangue, municip暗鐵al solid waste, bi山他ological sludge. The Zinc Oxide kil答新n is used for mixing the z美用inc charge and the coking做道 coal in propor樂校tion to produce Zinc O也車xide.

In addition, in the chemical indu也離stry, rotary kiln can produ街習ce calcined soda, phosphate and&nb火兵sp;barium sulfide. In the env間化ironmental protection, rot討中ary kiln has been widely used筆還 in inciner個間ation of hazardous w笑樂aste and sl喝學udge. 

The rotary kiln is m雪舞ainly composed of a kil女懂n body, a transmissi也媽on device, a supporting device, a gea姐老r wheel device, a kiln head sealing de男黃vice, a kiln tail sealing device&頻話nbsp;and a kiln head cover.

Technology Data of&筆做nbsp;NSP cement慢雜 rotary 樂路kiln
Specification Inclination Capacity Speed Motor Model Power(kw) Weight(t) Notice
(m) % (t/d) (r/min)
φ1.6x20 4 10 0.14-1.64 JZT362-4 17 45.9  
φ1.8x18 4 12 0.08-1.04 JZT371-4 22 51.2  
φ1.9/1.6x36 4 72 0.3-1.76 YCT280-4A 30 62.9  
Φ2.5/2.2x50 3.5 96 0.5-1.55 YCT315-4A 55 154.9  
Φ2.8/2.5x55 3.5 132 0.5-1.55 Z2-92 75 210  
Φ3/2.5x60 3.5 168 0.5-1.8 ZSN4-225-11 75 429.5  
Φ3.0x48 3.5 840 0.43-3.62 ZSN4-250-11B 110 241  
φ3.2x50 3.5 1200 0.36-3.57 ZSN4-250-091B 160 259  
φ3.3x52 3.3 1320 0.398-3.975 ZSN4-250-11B 190 243  
φ3.5x52 3.5 1500 0.36-3.51 ZSN4-315-082 190 318  
φ3.95x56 3.5 2000 0.6-3.3 ZSN4-315-072 250 418  
φ4x60 3.5 2500 0.396-3.96 ZSN4-355-092 315 497  
Φ4.2x60 3.5 2800 0.4165-4.165 ZSN4-355-12 420 576.1  
Φ4.3x62 3.5 3000 0.398-3.98 ZSN4-355-12 420 598.5  
Φ4.8x74 3.5 5000 0.35-4 ZSN4-400-092 630 841  

Technology Data of&n畫地bsp;Metallurgical kiln
Specification(m) Capacity(t/d) Motor Model Power(kw) Main reducer mode舊小l Speed ratio Weight(t) Notice
φ1.8x26 72 JZT2-72-4 30 JZQ750-1- 48.57 66  
φ1.9/1.6x39 72 JZT2-72-4 30 JZQ750-1- 48.57 66  
φ1.9x36 84 YCT315-4A 37 ZS110-5- 78.19 85.9  
φ2.2x45 98.4 JZT82-6 55 ZA125 93.93 104  
φ2.5x40 160 Z2--92 40 ZS125-2- 134.9 143  
φ2.5x45 170 JTZ82-4 45 ZS125-4- 69.71 148  
φ2.5x50 180 ZT3-72-4 30 ZS145-9- 122.8 173  
φ2.5x60 168 YCT355-4B 75 ZS165-7- 99.96 222 Bauxite ca體長lcined kiln
φ3x48 360-480 YCT355-4B 75 ZS145-7- 100.4 170.6  
φ3.1/2.5x78 216-240 Z4-225-31 75 ZS165-2- 57.17 268  
φ3x48 700 ZSN4-280-21B 110 MSY56-28- 28 244 Kiln decomposition
φ3x100.94 450 ZSN4-280-21B 90 NZS995-90--L 90 526 Multi cylinder cooling
φ3.2x50 1000 ZSN4-280-21B 160 MSY56-28- 28 252.4 Kiln decomposi
φ3.2x52 600 ZSN4-280-21B 125 ZSY1110-71BL 71.54 275 Preheater kiln
φ3.3x52 1000 ZSN4-280-11B 125 NZS995-40--BR 40 283 Kiln decomposition
φ3.5x52.5 1400 Z2-112 180 ZS177 79.22 360 Kiln decomposition
φ3.5x54 1500 ZSN4-3156-092 220 ZSY500-40- 40 368 Kiln decomposi女習tion
φ3.6x70 490 ZSN4-280-11B 125 ZS177-5- 79.2 419 Waste heat power ge什器neration ki在秒ln
φ3.95x56 2000 Z4-280-32BTH 250 ZSY560-40- 40 417 Kiln decomposition
Φ4x28 90 ZSN4-280-21B 160 ZSY500-71- 71 300  
φ4x60m 2500 ZSN4-355-09Z 315 ZSY630-35.5- 34.6 523 Kiln decomposition
φ4.2x60m 2800 ZSN4-355-12 420 ZSY710-35.5- 35.5 --- Kiln decomposition
φ4.3x60m 3000 ZSN4-355-12 375 ZSY710-40 40 553 Kiln decomposition
φ4.8x75m 5000 ZSN4-400-92 630 JH710-40 42 841 Kiln decomposition


Technology Data坐家 of Lime&n坐但bsp;kiln
Capacityt/d 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 750 800 1000
Product Active lime Active lime Active lime Active lime Active lime Active lime Active lime Active lime Active lime Active lime Active lime
Rotary kil報金n Specification(m機件) Φ2.5×40 Φ2.8×40 Φ3×46 Φ3.3×50 Φ3.5×54 Φ3.6×54 Φ3.8×58 Φ4×60/Φ4.2×風窗60 Φ4.3×62 Φ4.3×64/Φ4.5×63那習 Φ4.8×68/Φ4.9&到舞times;70
  combustion 醫業temperature 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300 1300
Fuel Gas and Gas and Gas and Gas and Gas and Gas and Gas and Gas and Gas and Gas and Gas and
pulverized coal pulverized coal pulverized coal pulverized coal pulverized coal pulverized coal pulverized coal pulverized coal pulverized coal pulverized 兒花coal pulverized coal
Heat consum老間ption 5016 5016 5016 5016 5016 4932 4932 4932 4932 4932 4932


Rotary kiln is a cylinder with a ce內城rtain degree of slope懂錯 which is in 3和西 ~ 3.5%, with the rotation of綠愛 the kiln to promote the m做銀aterial mixing and contact物書ing in rotary kiln. A large amount 通劇of heat is generated by the combustion 又影of the fuel and th亮電e heat is transferred to the mat黃火erial by means of the fl不火ame radiation, 秒房the convection of 術放hot air and the transmi舞術ssion of the kiln風遠 brick. The forward mov文答ement of the material depends o內作n the inclination of the kiln barr為懂el and the rotati對什on of the kiln.

The raw material e體紙nter into the cylinder body制嗎 from the tail of th冷她e kiln to be calcined at h男討igh temperature. Due to the到妹 tilting kiln body and the 制鐵slow rotation, the material produces討鐘 a complex movement which moves al她廠ong the circumf習計erential direction and moves a話對long the axial direction from the hig技拍h end to the low end. 鄉門The raw materials are喝她 decomposed, sintered and coo了明led down in the 服區rotary kiln then clinker筆影 discharged from low-還飛end into cooling machine. The fuel筆站 is sprayed from the kiln head, th市暗e combustion is c女費arried out in the kiln to heat the r看的aw material into clinker. 媽分The hot air produced in the process 些計of heat exchang物體e with the material enter into the kiln體花 tail system from the kiln f很木eed and finally it is discha技文rged into the atmosphere.


Our company is committed to the applic子銀ation of modern design theory an什妹d methods for many years t美新o develop energy-那湖saving rotary kiln. So our rotary kiln 劇冷has unique characters可民 in the process design and mechani錢問cal equipment manufacturing.門費 such as:

i. Adopting new heat ins玩就ulation material to reduce 林公heat loss.

ii. At the end of the 外窗kiln head, a new type of c去雨ompound scale is used to m件對ake the air leakage coeffi知做cient less than 10%, at the裡海 same time to meet the environmental 也我protection requirements.

iii. Lime kiln is u呢醫sually made up of請拿 a larger diameter and制自 shorter kiln body, w現志hich is supported by two gears們車. Therefore, it not only 機黃reduces the amplit短秒ude of the uppe影老r and the lower range of the kiln 內門body and prolongs the 又空cycle of the inner ring 南我of the kiln but also reduces t快在he transmission po信木wer and reduces the energy consumption友照.


i. Checking regulations

During the operation of t區南he kiln, the wear parts and 業照th e low precision 自如of the equipment will aff一市ect the operating rate, so t說場he user must maintain and replace the w暗城ear parts regularly. Unde地黑r the principle of preventive main暗答tenance, maintenance plan shall be p通秒repared in advance.新黑 At present, the main meth麗畫od is small-scale maintenance and mediu是著m-sized mainten關草ance usually in the empty st新能op lining. Medium-sized repair shoul習你d be carried out in stop the kil可懂n lining in the 2-3 times an北用d rotation device 照妹should be checked after lining work, 就請but should be checked in the 機店short term (such as 8 - 12 h愛多ours) as soon as possible. Over廠裡haul repair is longer(such as 1亮筆0-20 days), during this time the user車習 should replace wear parts and adjust a東話ll units(such as the 廠購replacement of the tube se也件ction, ring gear, wheel, roller近相 and other important parts, fi數明nd the kiln center 遠化line).

The standard for the repai雜員r and replacement of the main wear part謝靜s of rotary kiln is玩到 as follows:

1.The tooth thic得姐kness of the dr道業ive gear is worn by 房開30%, or the tooth edge has a non姐醫 recoverable damage.

2.Cracks and local 到視deformation of the segment of 知看the kiln barrel.你內

3.The 20% wear of tyr外腦e section and the 得店surface is worn into tapere看工d, polygonal, and partially路雜 penetrated cracks.

4.Roller wear by 20% or wheel rim 暗行thickness wear 25%; the rim is wo些討rn into tapered or other年中 alien shape; or the rim has a through 睡媽crack. When the roller and gear wheel又多 are replaced, 銀近the relevant lining must be renewed來離 or replaced as well.

ii. Maintenance regulati路喝ons

1. Each part of the gea她做r wheel and the transmission system m要了ust be checked once an hou了音r, and the abnormal sou女睡nd, vibration and overhea關有ting should be 習討handled promptly.

2.Check whether contact and we爸國ar between the tyre and roller i空街s uniform, and there is no excessive湖腦 force and surf業可ace operation.

3.Identify the gap and wear according t船草o the relative d年醫isplacement between the wheel and t河雜he plate in a turn; an報內d pay attention to the crack服線 in backing weld那理ing and add lubrication i雜商nto friction surfa玩冷ce between tyre and block.

4.Check the transmission舞鐵 base and the supporting device of t報林he anchor bolts and fixed bolts once a 喝多time, the loose part sh木分ould be tightene路員d immediately.

5. Observing whether the 妹技foundation has the phenomenon of v線知ibration and sinking.

6.Observe whether the kiln tail件吧 sail and kiln head seal i河慢s good, whether the 短件wear is serious.

7.Check the wheel bearing 長道shell temperature and lubric低又ation condition once an hour and 暗黑observe whether the gap between t農化he thrust ring and th拍子e lining is in a norma來筆l state.

8. Regularly check the auxili高如ary transmission device少靜, auxiliary drive sh暗遠ould start without cl鄉來utch once a week to ensure 短錢that the main power supply can腦小 be activated when the sudden interrup路區tion.

9.Check cylinder temperature regul腦睡arly. Especially the burn吃熱ing zone and the middle bloc票區k temperature near the cylinder wheel 為習should be mainta冷志ined below 380℃; it is allowed to民到 reach 410℃ only in case o有件f accident; it is illegal operati門音on if the user continue to operate in 低放temperature more than 415℃.

Wear part list

No. Name Material
1 Kiln tail&從子nbsp;seal 0Cr18Ni9
2 Kiln head seal 0Cr18Ni9
3 Rotary kiln 光都;pinion 34CrNi3Mo
4 Liner shell低司 ZA303/ZCuAl10Fe3
5 Couplings (all levels) ZG45#


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Technology Data員書 of NSP cement&n鐵些bsp;rotary kil司鐵n
Specification Inclination Capacity Speed Motor Model Power(kw) Weight(t) Notice
(m) % (t/d) (r/min)
φ1.6x20 4 10 0.14-1.64 JZT362-4 17 45.9  
φ1.8x18 4 12 0.08-1.04 JZT371-4 22 51.2  
φ1.9/1.6x36 4 72 0.3-1.76 YCT280-4A 30 62.9  
Φ2.5/2.2x50 3.5 96 0.5-1.55 YCT315-4A 55 154.9  
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