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Active Lime Vertical Preheater
Active Lime Vertical Preheater

Active limestone preh唱懂eater produced by our company has q會年uantity controller用愛 which could control t議是he height of material l船算ayer. There is sli好民de pipe between the mat錢跳erial storage a會分nd preheater, which朋費 could move lime stone int土兵o preheater and realize雪吃 the function of sealing在化 in order to avoid the cold air into 一窗the preheater. 

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Active limestone preheater produced by 也吃our company has quantity c們現ontroller which could control th北黃e height of mat微玩erial layer. There is slide pi西問pe between the m匠問aterial storage and preheater, 會短which could mov兵不e lime stone into preheat唱懂er and realize the function o我可f sealing in order to avoid t子理he cold air into the preheater. T照路he high temperature waste gas that i黃窗s expelled out form the kiln 國討after calcining will 司刀flow reversely to the feeding d河動irection. This would make 短呢the heat exchange sufficiently.件雪 The material would be preheated車新 evenly and pushed into the kiln throug知裡h hydraulic push rod. Th員黑is could save tim農我e, energy and coal during materi道學al are calcined, at the same tim信草e, it’s helpful to save知吃 the cost of production. Aft關金er exchanging th好鄉e flue gas is e一如xpelled into the a但市tmosphere by dust collect志銀or. Loss, save coal, eff刀金ectively, the productio務見n cost, waste gas after heat 信東recycle and filter release to t兵都he air. 

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