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  • Hazardous Wastes Synthesized Treatment and Reuse System
  • Hazardous Wastes Synthesized Treatment and Reuse System
Hazardous Wastes Synthesized Treatmen歌雜t and Reuse System

This system is designed by our comp森謝any which is used for treating pharma南舞ceutical wastes, mine sl地有udge, dye & paint白笑ing wastes, inorganic chlorides waste通現s, nickeliferous wastes and othe分民r wastes that is h員黑azardous, toxic 鐘男and harmful. 

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 Hazardous waste comprehensi開得ve treatment for hazardous waste, is re少物searched designed by our company. I笑鐵t applies in treatment o姐得f variety of hazardous, tox聽兵ic, hazardous waste, such as  phar愛算maceutical waste, waste minera公老l oil, dye coating wast花森e, inorganic chloride waste, ni吧呢ckel containing waste and other w師會aste,etc.

This system is mainly城訊 used to burn, des腦上troy and waste heat, through combustion費計 equipment of rotary kiln&子請nbsp;two combustion chamb懂務er and tail gas treatment equi拍又pment.The first 那照combustion chamber burns soli妹空d, the second combustion 大南chamber burns gas. The 山海gas produced by 房老the material under anaerobic conditi山場on is with full combust一腦ion in the two combustion cha坐木mber. It has effective treatment of to她裡xic and harmful gases.

Hazardous substance, n綠錢ot burned in flue gas, w資姐ill be further destruc相拍ted in second combustion chambe熱路r.The second combustion cham離刀ber is provided with a uni熱船que second air supply dev校對ice and a burner.  After農鐵-heat gas makes the fl司看ue gas from 1100 ℃ down to南亮 200 ℃, through waste heat boi習制ler, heat exchanger, quench看城 tower, adsorber and other equipment.子很 At last, the equipment 民商can be processed to 65 ℃f很慢or users  after treatment.The山大 system has reached the latest e樹遠nvironmental st低什andards. 

The suitable processing material遠也s for this system化中 is solid, semi-solid and liqui花道d waste.


Solid waste and liquid wast西廠e are fully combusted, under the a公商uxiliary fuel,throug鐘機h the feeding system into 煙很the incineration system (first in們村cinerator, second incinerator). 關厭The destruction of harmful可是 substances completely destroye朋但d and reached emission requirements.好吃

High temperatur時街e flue gas is for heat rec門會overy by waste heat boi為雪ler. Steam generated is for internal u黑亮se.Excess steam is grid.Toxic an飛讀d harmful pollutants in flue gas科亮 are processed by purif商理ication system and dust collection說月 system, being discharged by 熱去the exhaust fan and the chimney only都個 after meeting t友資he national standards.

The system adopts t見鐘he way of feeding kinds of system.舊中 It is  separate fee為海ding designed by solid waste, wast制老e water and auxiliary fuel.

Composition of Hazardous Waste Com明北prehensive Utilization System 書男is like this: raw mater師下ial feeding syst裡用em, rotary kiln i土木ncineration system, after少但-heat boiler system, heat exch慢務ange system, flue gas oxidatio信街n system, dust collection system, au窗睡tomation system .


1.Rotary kiln in輛紙cinerator can burn both solid and liqui舊看d. It has good adaptabi弟廠lity to incineration.

2.Incineration of materials tu見遠rn forward. Three kinds of heat transfe開農r mode coexist in furnace, thus美國, thermal efficiency is high.

3.High temperature materials contact生東 is conve這媽nient to replace li數說ner with low cost.

4.The transmission mechan學什ism is simple, a新南nd the transmission mechanis業你m is outside the kiln shell. Eq雪嗎uipment maintenance is si校做mple.

5.Requirements are姐路 not so high of inc些山ineration shape and moisture 在年content.

 6.Time of material in rota就答ry kiln is 0拍坐.5~1.0 hours.Hazardous waste北鐵 burned thoroughly at a hi跳中gh temperature of 850-900℃. In sec業吃ond combustion chamber, a s照有trong gas vortex makes the temper他車ature above 1100℃, which can bu人校rning out the harmful in門工gredients in flue哥子 gas completely. Gas stays for討老 2 seconds in high zone, as個道 result, it not only生相 burning out the wa吧女st completely, but also removing and 林理decomposing dioxi東人ns from its orig見樹in.

 7.Good sealing me煙很asures and nega下花tive pressure in the furnace ens窗習ure that no harmful gas l新玩eaks.

8.Equipment operation rate is high.The 頻聽annual operation rate i志鐵s up to 95% or more. Operation a但離nd maintenance is easy.南還

9.Flue gas purification system equip開聽ped completely for ensuring com師動pliance emissions.機業

10.Perfect online monitoring system. I器工t is applicable to industrial haz見秒ardous waste incineration of fl土吃ue gas online continuous mon土舊itoring system (CEMS), using on-裡間line monitoring data to adjus著習t the incineration state近輛 and deacidification agent, etc.

11.System automation design uses au我通tomation solutions of SI員去EMENS company of東冷 Germany. I離畫t has achieved 做明automatic control of all the p生公arameters for t開近he operation.


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