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Cone CrusherDate:2017-05-28 13:52:唱不03    Author:Chaoya動快ng Heavy Machinery Manufacture Co公可., Ltd.

As the cone crusher is working, the rotation of the mo多外tor is forced to wo窗員rk around a week through the pull兵河ey or coupling,

drive shaft of cone c員麗rusher and cone crusher by the eccentric 兒厭sleeve.

Thus the crushing con畫煙e crushing wall and near and sometime木自s from fixed on the surface of the不計 rolling adjusting sleeve mortar wall從熱, crushing cavity ore in th房答e unceasing impact, extrusion 身匠and bending and crushi著也ng ore achieved街時.

The motor driven by a bevel gear弟相 eccentric sleeve to 鐵就rotate, broken cone rotating pendulum.農煙 For crushing cone sometimes ne很科ar and sometimes they leave the fixed 關煙cone, crushing and議站 discharging.

The supporting sleeve is connected 北還with the frame body b姐廠y a spring when pressed, the crusher i票媽nto gold When the高物 object is not b哥吧roken,

the spring is comp樂黃ressed, the foreign body鐵北 is discharged, the insurance is reali睡行zed, and the machin子錢e is prevented from being damaged.

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