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Application and 紅在Description wet magnetic separatorDate:2017-06-02 16:哥好50:41  &nb慢船sp; Author:Ch工窗aoyang Heavy Machinery Man公風ufacture Co., Ltd.

The company produces the most commo雪冷n permanent wet magnetic separat你和or.used for iron selection, 綠玩iron removal operations.

The utility mod暗嗎el is suitable for we農中t magnetic separat兒美ion of magnetite, pyrrhotite, calcin自看ed ore, ilmenite an多間d other materials with particle si見公ze below 3mm.

Trough types: CTN c黃西ountercurrent type, CTB 畫也semi-countercurrent type CTS downst為術ream type, magnetic好師 separator can be di購見vided into weak magnetic separator舞計 and strong magn和間etic separator.

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