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Where Can Use The Four Ro和文lls Crusher Date:2017-06-05 10:44:47 &nbs海刀p;  Author:Chaoyang 樂制Heavy Machinery Manufacture C呢劇o., Ltd.

Four rools crusher suitable for med農唱ium hardness and 吧懂soft material with compre海子ssive strength less than 200Mpa and hu靜窗midity less than 30%.

Such as coal, coke, fertilizer raw 雨音materials, petroleum coke, glass tub山車es, chemical raw materials and oth西木er solid materials.

Four rools stone crusher machine with low us鄉明e and maintenance costs, high crushing 腦呢ratio, reliable p裡票erformance, little d用習ust, low noise characteristics.

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