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Introduction of the four roll crushe工要rDate:2017-06-10 08:47:19 &北通nbsp;  Author:Chaoyang Heavy業機 Machinery Manufacture林個 Co., Ltd.

Four roll crusher is mainly composed of m機都achine rack, active roller, passi師多ve roller departme都近nt, security department, transmissi好很on department, g鐘請uard department書黑, cutting department, foundation depart議舞ment, electronic control pa美鄉rts.

Four roll crusher is suitable for fi看見ne crushing materials of anti在問-pressure strengt商朋h less than 200mpa and humi國內dity less than 30%,

Has the advantages of maint吃木enance costs low, high bro花我ken ratio, reliable 村花performance, little dust, low n兵房oise. 

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