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Introduction for the hammer也厭 crusherDate:2017-06-12現門 08:55:02   看一; Author:Cha錯麗oyang Heavy Machinery Manufacture 快書Co., Ltd.

Hammer crusher is used in crushing various hard 放算and brittle corrosive and corrosi年了ve and compressive strength less th黑相an 150 MPa, moisture conte微中nt is less than 15%; 

Hammer stone crusher can be used for stone crushing,mine cr有還ushing,plastic crushing,trash crushing 報技and other materials cru道個shing. 

Hammer crusher is d術拍ivided into:Single-stage Hammer crusher醫這、efficient Hammer crusher、s少不ingle hammer crusher頻員、Reversible hammer crusher樂技、Ring Hammer crusher.

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