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Ball Mill Type Cement 友日Roller Mill For GrindingDate:2017-06-30 15:02:16 &n匠很bsp;  Author:Chaoya煙姐ng Heavy Machin很姐ery Manufacture Co., Ltd舊民.

Cement ball bill is widely used in m看報aking clicker, silicate p金藍roduct, new building ma年紙terials ,

fireproofing mat街中erials, chemical fertilizer, ferrous要要 and non-ferrous近資 metals and glass ceramics pro鄉裡duction industry,&n火們bsp;

Materials are transmitted into fee喝厭ding hollow shaft 體靜by feeding device,

then materials 身樹move from hollow shaft into the first 文舊grinding bin.

The bin has ladd中朋er liner plate or corrugated plate, and技答 different specifi費東cations of steel ball

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