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Matters needing attention of jaw crushe民還rDate:2017-07-07 13:49:40 &nbs銀會p;  Author:Chaoyang Heavy M舊費achinery Manufa鐘金cture Co., Ltd.

(1) after the jaw crusher is in normal operation, the materi西開al can be fed.
(2) the broken material shall be u吃影niformly added to the crusher chambe為少r, and side feed or 日數stack feeding shall be avoided to av黃嗎oid unilateral overload or overload.
(3) when normal作光 work, the temperature rise of th明議e bearing shall not exceed 30 光體degrees centigrade, and 雨廠the maximum temperature shall not數行 exceed 70 degrees centigrade上車. When the temperature is exceeded, the得木 car should be stop鐘山ped immediately to find out the cause低笑 and remove it.
(4) before parking, th路購e feed should be 男站stopped first and the power su一公pply can be closed before外雨 the material in the broken chamber is 章內completely discharged.
(5) when crushi道嗎ng, if the mater長飛ial is blocked due to the blockage in 村話the crushing cavity, the power 農動should be shut down immediately, and th生都e material in the broken chamb城還er can be cleaned before s喝藍tarting again.
(6) after one end of the j金黃aw plate is wor飛吧n, it can be turned back.
(7) when the jaw stone crusher is used for a period of t火年ime, the fastening Bush 子術shall be loosened 放內and damaged.

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