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Plate Conveyor Wo舊商rking PrincipleDate:2017-07-17 16:4土書3:39    Author:Chao這制yang Heavy Machiner不房y Manufacture Co., L可照td.

The chain plate conveyor adopts the high-stren問農gth die forging ch飛歌ain with a certain pitch as the 站木traction piece. 

The two chains of Plate Conveyor passing around a p中歌air of drive sprocket窗劇s  on the head and銀靜 a pair of tens弟兵ion pulley of the body兒河 tail form a closed loop.

Fitted with overlapping and hea大報vy structure, these two chains form a 著弟continuous transmissi近男on line. 

The gearing, being c民小onnected with the reducer by AC vari學謝able frequency speed control motor, and生放 then through the rising set 頻視connecting with th店火e driving device , ma空西kes drive carrier r新慢un at a low speed.

Then gearing discharge the materials w也懂hich are form the tail bin into&到醫nbsp;the front of the body along 土購the transmission l購視ine and achieve 都村;the purpose of continuous feeding懂機.

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