Spiral classifier is one of the equipments f火樹or mineral processing
Spiral classifier machine is a device for mechanical classification妹體 by means of the principle that the gra笑從vity of a solid particle varies so物司 that the rate of precipitation i報什n a liquid is different
The classifier is mainly com筆了posed of a transmission dev子林ice, a spiral body, 兒現a trough body, 制話a lifting mechanism, a lower support 答民(bearing bush) and a discharge va會水lve
Spiral classifie好市r is widely used in城車 mineral processing 公跳plant with ball鐘他 mill with closed loop process of tr志朋iage process ore sand, or the gravity房地 concentrator to gra算東de ore and fine mud, size 跳街classification of ore dress文通ing process and metal自聽, desliming, dehydration a看熱nd washing operations in.