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Spiral Classifier DescriptionDate:2017-07-31 13:57:24  &nbs微我p; Author:Chaoyang Heavy 姐生Machinery Manufa爸得cture Co., Ltd.

Spiral classifie子什r has four types: high weir t不分ype single spiral, high wei熱村r type double spiral, submerged single家姐 spiral, submerg雪他ed double spiral

The grading machine紅自 is widely used in the concentrator&nbs訊坐p;for shunting mine, with t明司he ball mill fo身又rms a closed loo低麗p process, to g請器rade ore and fine mud the gravity 器謝mill, or classify the p身拍ulp in metal process技唱ing. 

It can also be used in sludge 相你removal, dehydration an多上d other operations. The classifier has 訊空the advantages of東師 simple structure, reliabl白近e work, convenient operation.

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