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Mining Ore Powder Disk FeederDate:2017-08-18 09:16:1我慢0    Autho和讀r:Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Manufacture笑書 Co., Ltd.

Disc Feeder is a widely used continuous vol高如ume feeding device, whic腦白h is mainly applied to 20mm belo訊還w the ore ore feeding equ都照ipment

The machine is the use of做她 material flow, through農光 the rotating disc and adjustab厭計le barrel and scraper p就謝late to scrap the m下舞aterial from the container to the 區關receiving equip書離ment for a variety of non-st樹裡icky and the mobility is not very g友湖ood materials.

Disk feeder has such advantages熱腦 as precise design,雨坐 simple structure, convenient adj媽離ustment, reliable operation, less離鐵 maintenance time北拍s and low noise. The feeder is div新聽ided into two types: seat type and票森 hanging type.

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