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  • Single Cylinder Cooler
  • Single Cylinder Cooler
  • Single Cylinder Cooler
  • Single Cylinder Cooler
  • Single Cylinder Cooler
  • Single Cylinder Cooler
  • Single Cylinder Cooler
  • Single Cylinder Cooler
Single Cylinder Cooler

The single cylinder cooler p話亮roduced by our company has&nb這生sp;the advantages of it計去s simple structure區議, high thermal efficiency, low 爸木maintenance costs, low total investm裡看ent, the operation of high efficienc金白y. It is often used to cool kil坐懂n clinker from 500 ~ 2000t / d pro書下duction line.      

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Product Descriptio喝她n

The single cylinder cooler produced by匠購 our company has 喝森the advantages of its simple 和在structure, high thermal efficie吧去ncy, low maintenance cost司體s, low total investment, th也謝e operation of h頻懂igh efficiency. It is often used畫冷 to cool kiln clinker from 厭師500 ~ 2000t / d production line.

It is also quite important 日微to use a single cyl時下inder cooler as an cooling d謝服evice in the process o用我f calcining the rotary ki城窗ln. Mainly structure做窗 is the reducer, hot air duct, fur金男nace, cooling w冷北ater, feed chute, lifting plate電錯 the material part, f場些ront and back roller ring, cy樂鐘linder, motor and others. Accor短間ding to your needs, we c藍著an also supply the f還友eeder, conveyor and other relate對章d equipment. The main function of t子錯he single cylinder cooler is that 拿冷making the high temperature materi師花als cool, using air as a 店房medium and through the話拿 water cooling method.他物 At the same time, the recover化妹y of waste heat can 還又improve the thermal e對如fficiency of the rotary kiln as the 理道rotary kiln of the secon視好dary, tertiary air and dry air. 店都    



Drying of wet material is sent to t下算he hopper by a belt c北動onveyor or bucket到輛 elevator, and then with the hopper o朋低f the feeder thr音綠ough the feeding pipe into th微飛e feeding side. The inclina件信tion of the feed pipe is higher than 服兒the natural inc秒在lination of the material讀姐 in order to the mater多工ial flows smoot刀她hly into the cooler.

The cooler cylinder is a ro音如tating cylinder slightly inclined民算 with the horizontal line. The material comes in fr明通om higher end and the heating 事微 comes out to the lower 謝草end. On one hand, material into the c到區ounter current contact, on the other hand, the heating medium and mat知但erial together and into the cy科雨linder.

As the rotating mater火國ial of the cylinder is operated 用錯by gravity to the bottom end.&n快業bsp;When wet material in妹務 the cylinder moved forwar制離d processing. Di影弟rectly or indirectly, it get the heat f裡做rom the heating body. And then, it ca去通n be send out through belt conv劇著eyor or screw conveyor at 日知the discharge end.

lifting plate is equipped on the cylinder wall理房 , its function is to shovel the material and通有 sprinkled. So that ,the mater司街ial and air contact surfac對男e becomes larger, improving the c有那ooling rate and prom時土oting the material forward.鐘腦 Cooling  medium are generally divid員林ed into cold air 子長and so on. After the heating body cool坐我ing, the cyclone dust collecto資用r is usually required to capture th化來e material in the gas.冷頻 If you want to reduce森吧 the exhaust dust content bet亮雜ter, you can put emiss湖雪ions through the bag filter or we體書t dust collector.


Suitable materials


1.Clinker from the 路了rotary kiln (1000-12我很00℃) through the cylinder 樂店rotation to promote full heat ex暗計change between the material光兵 and air. As a result, the material c樂學an be cold(200℃ or less) ,習看 so the quality and  gr內費indability of clinker 但謝improving.

2.All the air cooled from material go訊匠es into the kiln 文可for the second cycle, in 光愛order to improve the長間 thermal efficiency of the 白會kiln.

3.Simple structure, hi制金gh operation rate, easy operation and m數票aintenance.


1.The user should check e內街ach part of the 購但movement system and the媽還 wheel must be checked frequentl話這y. It should be promptly treated if f請但ound noise, vibration, 小刀fever and other abnorma又歌l conditions.

2.Please check the wheel an木微d the wheel between t相身he contact and wear is uni鐵你form, excessive force ,facet and  pitting surface or not.


3.According to the wheel and its pad in a她日 rotation between the relative好劇 displacement to d綠秒etermine the gap 購開and wear. Please paying attent放兵ion to the cracks in 舊員the pad weld or no什西t.


4.Check there is vi拿國bration or sinking 們家of foundation o少匠r not.


5.Please check the bearing temperatu分員re of the transmission par明離ts, the timely detect錯購ion of abnormal warming 關她phenomenon freque吃湖ntly.


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Technical parameter
Specification Capacity(t/h) Speed(r/min) Motor model Power (kw) Reducer Weight(t)
φ1.2×12 1.9-2.5 4.5 Y160L-6 11 ZQ50 22
φ1.5×15 4-6 4.5 Y200L1-6 18.5 ZQ65 33
φ2×20 7-8 3 Y225M-6 30 ZL75 74
φ2.2×22 10-11.5 3 Y225M-6 30 ZL75 82
φ2.5×25 11-15 3.5 Y280S-6 45 ZL100 108
φ2.8×28 14-17 3.5 Y280M1-6 55 ZL100 142
φ3×30 16-20 3.5 YS2-355M1-6 112 ZL115 156
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