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Working Principle of Hammer Crusher Date:2017-09-14 16:00:20 &少議nbsp;  Author:Chaoyang Heavy通畫 Machinery Manufacture Co., 內放Ltd.

In the Hammer Crusher machine, the motor drives 請校the rotor to rotate at一志 a high speed thro光鐵ugh the belt, and o工科n the rotor there are 笑快series of hammers. When the 外動materials get into線計 the working area微筆 of hammers, the rotating hamme下銀rs with high rotation speed are crushi去那ng them. The crushed products meeting the required size c技西an be discharged by the東的 outlet and become the final products從相, while the large size products are b會微rought back to the crushing ar秒家ea by the hammers有作 for being re-crushe兵人d until they reached the required size.能少

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