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Manufacture Ceramic 動他Production PlantDate:2017-09-20 09:31:01   &n城資bsp;Author:Chaoyang Heavy Mach錯子inery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Ceramsite has such specific 你也advantages: low densi個女ty, high strength of the cylin冷窗der pressure, high porosity, hi多紙gh softening coef樂農ficient, good frost resistance, resista了南nce and excellent alkal一小i aggregate reactivity. Meanwhile it愛睡 also has advan票機tages of light weight, co民對rrosion resistance, frost resista術相nce, seismic and高拿 good isolation, due短紅 to small ceramic de了就nsity, the internal porous, unifor高森m shape and coposition and a certai笑行n strength and ruggedness. B車票ecause of that adv麗的antages, ceramsite can be widely間你 used in building materials, hortic西書ulture, food and beverage, fire-re相章sistant insulatio車男n materials, chemical and oil, and 長哥the application field is continuously 公喝expanding.

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