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Sintering System Use Belt CoolerDate:2017-10-19 09:45:00  &n睡都bsp; Author:Chaoya會輛ng Heavy Machine林輛ry Manufacture 風河Co., Ltd.

Our company’s product- belt cooler machine is the maj購離or equipment of sintering system 議還of a steel plant. It i上生s arranged behind t她上he sintering machin制小e and the crusher.&nbs大車p;Its mainly funct友生ion is cooling s懂國intering. The ad信友vantages are mainly small c下暗overing area , stable and reliable op森秒eration, long service l呢月ife, low maintenance cost, good 照冷cooling effect, et票城c. At the same time, it ha訊山s the function of t電秒ransmission.



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