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FU Type Scraper Chain ConveyorDate:2017-10-27 09物還:46:27    Author:Cha可說oyang Heavy Machine但呢ry Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Because oFU type scraper chain conveyor internal friction 一窗and lateral pressure, the白劇 movement of the material in the t要短ank is in the same direction as the m很員ovement of the conveyor chain, which白國 increases internal 光也friction and int計謝ernal force betwee綠月n materials to ensure 藍光the stability of 商生material layer. Due to this charac資分ter, it is wildly used in人一 conveying various powder and gr議靜anular material horizontally (or with 兵北inclined 15°).

Scraper chain conveyor has been very received by u能謝ser at home or abr問雜oad since development市雪. It has been wildly u答老sed in building materials, construct業上ion, chemical, thermal power, food p計國rocessing, mining, machine用黃ry, metallurgy, transp器理ortation, ports and any other 秒舊transportation industries.

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