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Slat Plate Scraper Chain Conveyor Date:2017-10-28 09:19:55 &我妹nbsp;  Author:冷兵Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Manufact器費ure Co., Ltd.

Best price chain conveyor is a general-purpose fixed me學的chanized conveying equipment. Using 鐘報steel plate as ca錯時rrier for conveying lo鐵著ose materials a那什nd unit load, espe子件cially for larg大行e, scorching hot雨笑 and corrosive materials.

Slat conveyor chain is wildly used in machine要得ry, casting, metallur舊用gy, chemical in術線dustry, building ma錢吃terials, power, mining and作舊 other industrial sectors老訊. Plate edge is up to 80-120mm, which 能事can be changed ba樂離sed on sort of conveying 要匠materials and quantity. 

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