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Pellet Production LineDate:2017-11-08 有生14:45:15    Author:C也舊haoyang Heavy Machinery 靜雜Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Pellet ore is a most important way in agg現筆lomeration of fine ore.農去 First, add moderate am書聽ount of water and agglomeran事微t in the fine ore, making it into raw 樂房pellet, with uniform vis公見cosity and sufficient strength.Drie問亮d and preheated after calcination in 外樂an oxidizing atmosphere,the ball has be媽新en the pellets.This method is especi海下ally suitable for t醫暗he treatment of concentrate fines.月間The pellets have goo志市d cold strength, reducibility and什相 particle size compos話唱ition.In the iron and st是錯eel industry, pellet拿老 and sinter are 時習also very important, wh相坐ich constitute together better with t業友he burden structure. Pellet ore plant are suitable for mass produ就些ction, with uniform size, ensuring g件外ood air permeability of 紅多blast furnace burden, high poros票南ity,good reducibility, high cold str空近ength, easy to transport and storage 能理and not easy to break,喝學 it is also appl懂匠ied to non-ferrous拍雪 metal metallurgy .

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