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Harmless System Treating 樹我Petroleum Field's SludgeDate:2017-11-22 10:11:23 都志   Author:Chaoya雜司ng Heavy Machinery Manufacture Co., Lt慢麗d.

Sludge incineration is 笑月a harmless treatment system, reducing quantity throu訊城gh high temperature. 外用After drying, the sludge tra美話nsmitted into sludge i兵志ncinerator, then the 女微sludge and air having the o雨暗xidation reaction in the bur著理ning furnace.

The organic matter and toxic and har銀師mful substances from sludge are 姐暗having the proces電身s of oxidation, pyrolysis and des服坐truction. Then the sludge becomes 玩拿volume small, no北快n-toxic, stable ash.

Compared with other me樹視thods, Mobile Harmless Syste間雜m incineration method h小輛aving the advantages員爸 of small footprint an放大d high efficiency, large capa農亮city, obvious reduction, 短船thorough treatment a我問nd so on.

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