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Wet Magnetic SeparatorDate:2017-12-06 0一微8:23:40  &nb靜店sp; Author:Chaoyang Heavy Mac離喝hinery Manufact可購ure Co., Ltd.

Our company produces the most c請近ommon permanent wet magnetic sepa高要rator, used for iron selection, iron友我 removal operations. The utility m店頻odel is suitable for wet magnetic separ農黃ation of magnetite, pyrrhotite, calcined o去村re, ilmenite and other mat腦綠erials with partic她近le size below 3mm. Trough types: C門化TN countercurrent type, CTB se民樹mi-countercurrent type CTS downstream t來錯ype, magnetic separator can be di線音vided into weak magnetic separat到錢or and strong m自樹agnetic separator.

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