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Steel Plant Use Annular Cooler男文Date:2017-12-16 08:16:40 嗎中  &nb頻能sp;Author:Chaoyang 信玩Heavy Machinery 女長Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Annular cooler is wi吧唱dely used in sinter技火 and palletize cooling process in stee紅火l, metallurgy, ferrous and oth美妹ers industry.Annular cooler is mainl唱麗y composed of several parts, drive微開 device, rotary part( i白樂ncluding rotary 房嗎structure, trolley, trip報人od, etc) feeding fu哥山nnel, air box, machine stru開匠cture, triple rail時務( horizontal rail, side rail and外窗 unloading bend rail), seal 慢很device, cover, supporting roller and o木拿thers. 

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