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Cement And Slag Use作北 Elevator Of Chain Buck村就et ConveyorDate:2017-12-18 09:09:01 &n慢了bsp;  Author:Chaoyang Heavy M你城achinery Manufacture Co., 學空Ltd.

Conveyor chain bucket conveyor because of its advanta舞刀ges of flexible layou冷時t, large conveyin開書g capacity, long service life,好土 less maintenance, low oper水些ation cost, transport l森校arge slope and are wi制房dely applied in various bulk ma身請terials power plants, mines, metallur媽明gy, coal and other industries, such as 玩內boiler slag, cement clinker, slag, s下街lag, limestone, gravel so, 議他especially in high tem河商perature, high density and large blocks放作, with a sharp s到個harp and strong wear r民業esistance materials.

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