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Fineness material powder se討哥paratorDate:2017-12-28 08:26:55 &話器nbsp;  Author:Chaoyang Heavy 唱頻Machinery Manufacture C文和o., Ltd.

There are many types of powder separator, different types of m又不aterials are suitable for different說光 types, and different models are al很城so made according to the requireme廠了nts of the customer'木光s fineness to the material. The 東路common powder separator is cyclone separ空低ator, three separator, centrifugal s員看eparator, coal mill special separator, 匠討calcium powder 說我special separat習物or and so on. Later also developed 場銀many high efficien和能cy separator, hi黃畫gh efficiency separation powder m動冷achine, they are lack of i家農mprovement in the origin笑城al basis, improve算機 the yield of the ne雨化w generation of varieties.

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