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High quality sintering machineDate:2018-01-03 08:28:31  &nb大不sp; Author:Ch書費aoyang Heavy Machinery 公音Manufacture Co., Ltd.

The sintering machine is suitable for the sinter花離ing operation of 醫黃large black metallurgical sinterin光少g plant, which 風窗is mainly applicable to th輛林e sintering treatment of iron ore pow見吧der in large and me和區dium scale sinterin頻唱g plants.

The main working procedure of the sintering machine consists of the foll現音owing parts:
Quicklime crushing chamber, 得子coal (coke) powder crushin相厭g chamber, batching storeh制路ouse, primary mi新離xer chamber, two mixing chamber, 有中70m2 sintering machine room, fee歌文der, heat breaker and scr友一eening chamber.

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