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Apron feeder widely used in mining ind去醫ustryDate:2018-01-11 08子術:26:11    Author:Chaoyan吃歌g Heavy Machinery Manufact技水ure Co., Ltd.

Apron feeder is widely used in影照 the process of mi文我ning, cement, chem拍也ical and metallurgical enterprises, suc不日h as mining, transporting and pro有長portioning. Apron feeder can be used to del現筆iver a variety of lump or l相個oose materials from the storage b司暗in to the crusher, conveyor or othe多火r working machinery in a ho西在rizontal or inc湖河lined direction. It is an ind農你ispensable equipmen術公t in the process of raw material treatm吧但ent or continuous p可科roduction. It is especially suitable弟答 for running large blocks and林用 sharp materials. It has a light, m分到edium and heavy duty.

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