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Mine Crushing Plant Use Hamme道說r CrusherDate:2018-01-13 08:16:53  &n老一bsp; Author:Chaoyang Heavy Mac和外hinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Hammer crusher is來訊 used in crushing various hard and brit唱紅tle corrosiv下錯e and corrosive 海科and compressive str年老ength less than 1風劇50 MPa, moisture content is less th知多an 15%. Such as coal, salt, sub white,光鐵 gypsum, alum, brick, tile, li劇你mestone, etc. 


Hammer Crusher use for the materia高相ls with compressive stren南遠gth no more than 15計術0 MPa also humidity shall no more 友拍than 15%.

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