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Drum Mixer Machi得媽neDate:2018-06-04 09:24:10   錯們 Author:Chaoyang Heavy 算謝Machinery Manufa上我cture Co., Ltd.

The principle of mixer

When the material into the cylinder mixer and driven by rotati器行on, with the role of centrif如生ugal force, the materi不問al is forced to a certain height.

When gravity exceeds the cen還知trifugal, the mate藍習rial falls down t拿坐he waterfall. For the tilt cylinder and兵畫 the rolling direction of th雪的e batch is at an angle to rotative 看妹surface, the batch 老銀is gradually moved toward 科中the discharge end in the direction of t器吃he cylinder axis. 

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