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Vertical Limestone Grin光木ding Raymond Mi要習ll MachineDate:2018-06-20 11:1說謝4:30   &n銀師bsp;Author:Chaoyang Heavy 拍對Machinery Manufactur厭店e Co., Ltd.

Principle of raymond mill

When materials put into the grinding 男麗room, the grinding roll pr白國esses closely upon the雨為 grinding ring due t樂視o the centrifugal force in rotation 山說of the main shaft.

The shovel carri通木es materials to the space between the金國 grinding roll an國音d ring, and materials are ground as th街她e grinding roll rolling. 
After being ground,th樹志e qualified powder is花店 selected by Se女會parator by the cycle 妹到wind of the blower a從草nd the rough powder will be 自快back to the grin秒微ding room for reg了喝rinding. The qualified報也 powder is brought into t風睡he cyclone separ有坐ator by airflow. The坐低 powder comes out from 
raymond mill price慢算 good as end products.

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