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70 million tons of iron ore on China iron and steel industry faces 30 billion Fukui
  This year, China's steel ind熱坐ustry ushered in the peak year 嗎城of exports, steel exports and expor輛遠t gr...
Date:2016-01-07  Author話秒:Chaoyang Heavy Machine音明ry Manufacture Co.,裡日 Ltd.
Hubei small steel mills are mostly discontinued
  This year, China's steel industry 微業ushered in the peak year of exports,爸森 steel exports and export gr...
Date:2014-04-06  Auth哥數or:Chaoyang Heavy Ma唱問chinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.
The price cuts spread to the upstream steel industry chain into the reverse adjustment period
  This year, China's steel industry ush通日ered in the peak year of exports湖區, steel exports 北姐and export gr...
Date:2016-01-07  Auth時老or:Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Manufactu得算re Co., Ltd.
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