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In 2014 China railway w是南ill be put into operat玩愛ion more than 6000 km of new lines o討我f sand stone production in作新vestment have a b習但rilliant futureDate:2016-01-07 14:41:42 &nbs謝討p;  Author:Chaoyang 訊請Heavy Machinery Manufacture Co., Lt外遠d.
  This year, China's s農船teel industry ushered作能 in the peak year o畫煙f exports, steel export鄉分s and export growth rate reached a re湖中cord high. Steel enterprises to incr吧去ease investment in overseas merge看公rs and acquisitions, Baostee海間l Group, Hebei iron and steel gro做分up have accelerated oversea跳但s investment, the establishm現相ent of industrial bases綠森. In recently sponsored 北你by the Chinese Society for m愛山etals 2014 (thir裡街d) of the China Iron and steel tec鐵冷hnology economic high-end for體票ums, many people in the i妹能ndustry said, merge到話r and reorganization 美作of the industry window has been技熱 opened, should accel費暗erate the establishment of a f離行air and reasonable market mech那作anism.
  Export record high
  This year, Europe and the新自 United States and Japan and other deve化習loped economies, the economic recover暗年y, the internatio火河nal steel market d姐火emand has been re朋農stored. Coupled with insufficient do說報mestic demand, steel prices general國件ly increase the exp化人ort intensity, both the number of expo風錢rts or growth rate, have r算都eached a record high.
  Data show that 1-8 months 我亮of China's total e票購xports of 56 million 380 歌黃thousand tons of steel電請, an increase of 34.3%; impo城上rts of 9 million 640 thousand男書 tons of steel, an inc如見rease of 4.4%; net export視歌s of crude steel exports 49 million 720飛場 thousand tons, an 鐘金increase of 42.7%. Indus道市try sources said, thi學店s level has reached a historic high.
  In terms of price, 1-8 綠輛month average p這時rice of steel exports 鐵得795.3 U.S. doll熱店ars / ton, down 7.5%. Steel imports ave筆媽rage price of 1249.9 U.S喝友. dollars / ton, an increase of 3.5%.公討 "The problem of steel ex房西ports in the price change." 著從China Iron and Steel Industry Associati章通on Deputy Secretary General Qu Xiu門計li said.
  Due to the substantial increase讀舊 in steel exports, the 吧內increase in the relevant interna窗船tional trade friction, many countr學技ies have adopted anti-dum是筆ping, countervailing duties照兵 and other trade 店風protection policy. Qu Xiuli is ex數外pected in the s頻樹econd half will rema快我in growth, but it is difficult to mai新舊ntain the high g個綠rowth in the firs好大t half, the growth rat了會e will drop. "Iron and steel ent拍樂erprises to optimize the秒劇 structure of exp個化ort products and regional di離能stribution, impro制秒ve the added value of ex視路port products, red拿說uce trade friction, to truly enh地吧ance the ability視亮 to participate in intern商算ational market c分土ompetition."多地 Qu Xiuli said.
  It is not only a substantial increas話影e in steel exports, steel prices ar嗎樹e also increasing the intensit學場y of overseas distribution. In Ma中喝y this year, Baosteel Gr市訊oup, Baosteel Res什鄉ources International announce來數d that it intends t章間o expand through the acq如拿uisition of Aquila holdings to 85%笑做. Aquila is Australi劇技a a mineral resources exploratio看器n and development of lis拿也ted companies, mainly mining少弟 assets including Queensl飛山and Lanzhou Bowen Basin coal, W答會estern Australia's Pilbara 些很iron ore region and South Afri司雜ca ore and iron ore re光舊sources project assets.
  "This is a 短對step to win." Baosteel Group Chair場媽man Xu Lejiang described 照家the above investment. Xu Lejiang 紅化said that after the increase in hold長子ings, the future sti農國ll needs a larger inv通好estment. But from the resul服銀ts of this roun外了d of overseas investme來去nt to see, the competitiveness of th服城e ore per ton ha作畫s been comparable to FMG.
  Hebei iron and Steel Gro土爸up recently announced coopera務草tion with the South African government內動 to create a resource develo體東pment, international logistics, iron做少 and steel industry家金 as one of the 花筆overseas industrial base. The n廠月ext group is also preparin為地g to buy shares from 10% shares of JCD公風ecaux, expanded 他間to 51% stake to 52%." Pe算報ng Zhaofeng, general m訊文anager of Hebei iron and Steel Group小美 revealed. As the world&#鐘子39;s largest independent steel tr離動ader, JCDecaux company al公山so has sales network in 間多South africa.
  Xu Lejiang pointed ou但議t that this year is the steel industry 在愛exports peak years, the developm紙拿ent of regions such as the Middle East,謝土 Africa, Southeast Asia and East如弟ern Europe, China's ste商校el industry will be the fut票文ure development of the main areas. Alt章花hough out of the face of languag鐘明e, culture and other aspects of the ris人火k, but the Chinese steel go ou讀近t is the trend.
  Usher in the peak of m中通ergers and acquisitions
  At present, the domestic steel ma什美rket is still i輛討n the doldrums, re自但solve excess capacity, promote merge筆內rs and acquisitions, a呢門ccelerate the transforma對人tion and upgrading, ha紙男s been the development of the in舊風dustry prescription&quo書就t;. Many industry i好南nsiders said that the curre用器nt industry has ushere可的d in the merger and reor志訊ganization of the window弟男 period, the futu慢紅re needs to acceler妹雪ate the establi文路shment of a fair and reasonabl吧湖e market mechanism.
  "Reduction and restructuri紅技ng of the steel indu見愛stry, shutting down t去山he low efficiency of the plant and n志做on main industry, it is imperative.&近作quot; Chairman of the Chinese Soci我錯ety for metals, Xu 愛空said that China&#雜謝39;s iron and steel industry in the能要 ten years new capacity rea吃東ched 7 million ton花來s, but the investment debt 一件make financial costs ar場化e too high, the iron and steel indus習家try as overcapacit弟音y in the industry in the wor體師st economic benefit o還什f industry.
  Early this year, the State Cou們舊ncil issued the "on the fu那山rther optimization 動工of corporate mergers and ac慢很quisitions market envir森什onment opinions". Secr書器etary, Ministry of ind小討ustry and information technology i吃兵ndustry policy Feng 照跳Fei said that the w工舞hole idea of the po南著licy is to create a道北 better market environment,子店 mainly to solve in the proc秒資ess of merger and reorgani笑來zation of Taxation服音, and financial means are not perfect,店大 land, personnel placem站弟ent problem in four a吃冷spects.
  "Has entered the s有資teel merger and 嗎他reorganization o間煙f the window period, is exp如坐eriencing a new round o理好f mergers and acquisitions peak.土數" Feng Fei said that the Min時章istry is stepping up 雪問the implementation of the above docum樹懂ents, hoping to put in pl新窗ace the policy in place this year, to 商兒create a good market environm錢朋ent for corporate mergers a廠大nd acquisitions.
  For the trend of industr近科y mergers and acquisitions,懂冷 many steel enterprises in suppor睡謝t of the same time also called on the g快短overnment to speed up 師行the establishment of a fair and reason公厭able market environm拍舊ent. Xu Lejiang said that i西林f there is no f新喝air market environ她小ment, corporate merger區東s and acquisitions will face a very來科 big pressure. "At pres黑照ent, the state owned enterprises 有遠and private enterprises, large enterpri廠視ses and small enterprises, t秒線he gap is very large.明化 Whether it is from the tax or envi話錢ronmental point of view, who came to 北熱law enforcement?明家 After the illegal how to do? These空子 issues need to be resolved, the govern姐新ment should play a better role." X明關u Lejiang bluntly.
  Xu Lejiang als遠拍o said that technologic綠那al innovation is the 小年basis for the development of st美得eel prices, management and busines男秒s model innovation is the guaran錢得tee of the transformation of s相腦teel enterprises. &q上錯uot;It is now the era of bi長子g data, intelligent. S學理teel prices not朋黃 only to improve 見花the quality, control 雜生costs, should also follow t業店he times, in the作算 data and intelligence to be a br習男eakthrough."
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