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HJ high energy jaw crushe木筆r hard rock breaking new we業愛aponDate:2016-01-07 14:42:03  &nbs秒金p; Author:Chaoyang Heavy 數兵Machinery Manufactu但森re Co., Ltd.
  This year, China's ste說年el industry usher鄉南ed in the peak year of ex風件ports, steel exports and export gro用光wth rate reache師呢d a record high. S好林teel enterprises to increase訊說 investment in overseas me女腦rgers and acquisitions, Baos線分teel Group, Hebei iron and st自討eel group have accelerated overseas inv玩也estment, the establishment裡靜 of industrial bases. 唱鄉In recently spo路火nsored by the Chinese Soci笑嗎ety for metals 2腦通014 (third) of the信下 China Iron and steel technolo生舞gy economic high-end月電 forums, many people in the industry sa亮愛id, merger and reorganization o兒歌f the industry window ha讀都s been opened, should accelera了高te the establishment of a fair and 都風reasonable market mecha們可nism.
  Export record high
  This year, Europe and th黑妹e United States and Japan 短雜and other developed eco刀大nomies, the economic男購 recovery, the internat少線ional steel market dema湖但nd has been resto視火red. Coupled with insuffi刀南cient domestic demand,水去 steel prices general動開ly increase the export intensi銀快ty, both the nu月玩mber of exports or師場 growth rate, have rea南唱ched a record high.
  Data show that 1-8 m長門onths of China's tota醫謝l exports of 56 million 380 thousand 紅都tons of steel, an increase of 34.3%; 問這imports of 9 million 640 thousand t志學ons of steel, an increase o匠雨f 4.4%; net expo通看rts of crude steel expor學跳ts 49 million 720 thou唱謝sand tons, an increase 廠多of 42.7%. Industry sources said, thi喝畫s level has reached a histor謝西ic high.
  In terms of pric件很e, 1-8 month average price of steel 土會exports 795.3 U.S. dollars / ton, 資器down 7.5%. Steel 校器imports average price of 1249.上刀9 U.S. dollars / ton, an 喝吃increase of 3.5%. "The problem o物銀f steel exports in 愛綠the price change." China Iron子志 and Steel Industry Associa是討tion Deputy Secretary General Qu Xiu車畫li said.
  Due to the substantial林和 increase in stee能明l exports, the increa秒站se in the relevant門鄉 international trade frict都土ion, many countries have adopted a我數nti-dumping, countervailing d的車uties and other trade protectio謝友n policy. Qu Xiuli is街土 expected in the second half wil醫文l remain growth, but 紅草it is difficult to mainta秒地in the high gro讀請wth in the first half, the growth都間 rate will drop. "Iron and steel 商我enterprises to optimize the structu亮匠re of export pro明空ducts and regional distributio一歌n, improve the 花師added value of export products對飛, reduce trade frict樂身ion, to truly enhance the ability t到高o participate in inte照數rnational market competi哥如tion." Qu Xiuli said.
  It is not onl外喝y a substantial increase in steel 店拍exports, steel pr可空ices are also increasing the i近近ntensity of overseas distribu行商tion. In May this year, Baosteel Gr秒生oup, Baosteel R可男esources Internationa跳有l announced that it intends女輛 to expand through the acqu水家isition of Aquila holdings to 85鄉畫%. Aquila is Australia還還 a mineral resources exploration and de裡購velopment of listed comp紅看anies, mainly mining assets including Q海信ueensland Lanzhou Bow相雜en Basin coal, Western Australi慢的a's Pilbara iron ore 山跳region and South Africa購白 ore and iron ore resources pr討日oject assets.
  "This is a step船答 to win." Baosteel G城她roup Chairman Xu Lejiang 就多described the above investment. Xu Lej藍看iang said that after the increase in 弟土holdings, the future still n船我eeds a larger investm內多ent. But from the results of this 服體round of overseas investment to see去船, the competitiveness of the ore per to公數n has been comparable時那 to FMG.
  Hebei iron and讀和 Steel Group recently 刀件announced coope話城ration with the South African gover購如nment to create a resource 拿票development, international logis著煙tics, iron and steel indu光南stry as one of the可看 overseas industrial base. T生錢he next group is also preparing to b拿件uy shares from 10% s議國hares of JCDecaux, expanded 習火to 51% stake to 52%吃視." Peng Zhaofeng, general mana哥員ger of Hebei iron and Steel Group re內志vealed. As the 朋南world's largest ind開習ependent steel trade在師r, JCDecaux company also has sales n村物etwork in South a哥妹frica.
  Xu Lejiang pointed外了 out that this year is the stee靜場l industry exports pe海秒ak years, the dev分空elopment of regions such as the Middle 山外East, Africa, Sout冷明heast Asia and Eastern Europe, China&#唱妹39;s steel industry will be the futu票鐘re development o商計f the main areas. Alth年站ough out of the fa房裡ce of language, culture and ot得樂her aspects of the risk, but the Chin森什ese steel go out is the tre線冷nd.
  Usher in the peak of m能森ergers and acquisitions
  At present, the慢聽 domestic steel market is stil跳街l in the doldrums, reso兒輛lve excess capacity, promote 問玩mergers and acquisitions, accelerate th鐵頻e transformation and upgrading, has bee白中n the development of the明計 industry prescriptio謝醫n". Many industry in黑車siders said that the current indu術劇stry has ushered in the merge暗西r and reorganization of the win生媽dow period, the future needs to acce習聽lerate the establishment of a fair and路國 reasonable market mech分銀anism.
  "Reduction and 間議restructuring of the stee器中l industry, shutting down the low effi不短ciency of the plant and厭學 non main industry, it is im花離perative." Chairman of窗坐 the Chinese Society 制討for metals, Xu said that China's 刀影iron and steel industry in the ten好人 years new capacity reached 7 million 從村tons, but the investment作相 debt make financial costs 金月are too high, the ir線要on and steel industry as overcapacity 通黃in the industry in the worst笑話 economic benefi很務t of industry.
  Early this year, the St服東ate Council issued 唱什the "on the further optimizat作街ion of corporate mergers and acq開暗uisitions marke從筆t environment opin兵站ions". Secr那通etary, Ministry of industry and 東她information technology industry po藍上licy Feng Fei said that the whol熱畫e idea of the p信白olicy is to create a better mar民離ket environment, m子嗎ainly to solve in the算小 process of merger and reorg年數anization of Taxation,件空 and financial means亮遠 are not perfect, land, personn學呢el placement problem in four aspects.
  "Has entered the steel merger a輛請nd reorganization of th吧長e window period, is experienc場件ing a new round of mergers作少 and acquisitions peak.&q商爸uot; Feng Fei said that the Ministry i嗎哥s stepping up the i雜煙mplementation of the abo筆內ve documents, hoping to put in place t工男he policy in place this year, to cre科生ate a good mark木見et environment for corporate merger舊藍s and acquisitions.
  For the trend of ind我來ustry mergers and acquisitions服得, many steel enterpri聽小ses in support of the same time als裡業o called on the g身討overnment to speed up the establishme媽綠nt of a fair and reasonable m廠熱arket environment. X裡好u Lejiang said that if 體票there is no fair market env花老ironment, corporate mergers and a山市cquisitions will face a木船 very big pressure. "A綠藍t present, the st校姐ate owned enterprises and pri匠土vate enterprises, large en問開terprises and small 光土enterprises, the 作就gap is very large. Whether it is f在間rom the tax or environmental point o通明f view, who came to law en購麗forcement? After the illegal h站新ow to do? These issues need to be 購的resolved, the government區暗 should play a better role." Xu L拿國ejiang bluntly.
  Xu Lejiang also said that technolog能動ical innovation 飛討is the basis for the development of st司件eel prices, management a很裡nd business model innovat為開ion is the guarantee 員靜of the transformation of 月北steel enterprises. "It i雨黃s now the era of big data, 好對intelligent. Steel pric聽也es not only to improve the 低作quality, control costs, sh國上ould also follow the time年開s, in the data and intelli可鐵gence to be a breakthroug高著h."
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