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I developed the country好個's first Date:2016-01-07 14:44:51   &金購nbsp;Author:Chaoyang Heavy Ma頻拿chinery Manufacture Co., Ltd.
  As of 2013, the an書村nual output of 如光municipal solid waste如是 in China has exceeded 謝歌1.8 tons, an increase of 9%身電. In the year, t遠銀he accumulated was林地te stock has reache門民d more than 60 音為tons. This series of data to remind妹門 us that the ga吃購rbage harmless treatm愛是ent has no time to d分街elay. Our company t事醫hrough the development of a safe a車行nd effective organic solid waste gasif聽木ication reactor 藍技equipment can better reali跳車ze the organic solid waste gasificat子放ion process and exhaust e做土mission of the system than 去的the traditional incinerator to low 術我20-30%. Dioxin 物身concentration is not more t讀聽han 0.01 ng-TEQ/m3N. With 場小the advanced level of contemporar山冷y international garbage站讀 disposal, so as to fill the blan工窗k of domestic waste treatment techno綠近logy, to achieve the international 山報leading level of harmless tr高分eatment!
   The best burning e筆來quipment in the normal operation of th車知e case, will also 嗎還release dozens of harmfu作書l substances, only through filtra銀劇tion, washing and ad章窗sorption method is diffic海舊ult to purify all. In particular, diox白哥in like pollutants are recogni笑短zed as a class of carcino爸紙gens.
   In 2014, I signed a c那區ontract with the Finland government for熱醫 its testing and manufacturing of 就舞organic waste gasif票嗎ication reactor, has b月外ecome the development o鐵紅f China's first organic waste ga車車sification reactor man她吧ufacturers.
  The smooth impleme湖路ntation of the project pioneered從從 the domestic pro呢開ducts, energy saving為街 and environmental protection tech近銀nology, high temperature工嗎 gasification of orga她有nic waste generated by the eq知話uipment of combustible 藍也gas for power generati筆笑on, does not produce harm學員ful substances under the冷答 premise, high efficiency, energ年門y saving, convenient to realiz現快ed the waste into valuable magi也資cal process.
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