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Water Film Dust Collector
Water Film Dust Collector

When dust flow impact collec筆不tor’s inwall or other speci吧媽al device water the dust would be ca匠電ught by the water fil頻離m produced by the dust c時靜ollector to get南綠 clean air. Working pri廠鄉nciple: dust air could be introduc文刀ed from the bottom of collector’s bar長照rel and rotating up...

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When dust flow impact collecto她草r’s inwall or other special device wat員友er the dust would be caught b費訊y the water film produced中什 by the dust collector to get cle醫數an air. Working p他從rinciple: dust air could be intro舞銀duced from the bottom of collecto北門r’s barrel and rotating up, the 黑化dust particle wo可村uld be separator by centri事公fugal force and be threw to inn開醫er wall of collector, water fi票玩ll in inner wall would adsor錢間b the dust, then the ads城村orbed dust would flow down to the b著音ottom of cone with water flow公還, finally the dust還靜 would be expell刀水ed out from collector’s m微市outh. And there is alway明小s a thin falling dow吃家n water film in the inner wal著明l to realize high d那電ust collection efficiency. Adva現分ntages: simple structure, 書制low metal cost, low water cost都家.  

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