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Cyclone Collector
Cyclone Collector

The operating principle i理麗s following, turn dow綠議n the speed of air flow suddenly an民麗d change the direction of air flow, 關店under the gravity他讀 and inertia for來視ce the larger par爸林ticles separate with air a影用nd drop to the cone bottom of話也 the collector. This device is在問 fitted for collect高事ing large particl她靜e. 

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Hot Selling Centrifugal Cyclon能花e Dust Collector Industri自懂al Cyclone Dust Collector

The operating principle is following, t個輛urn down the speed of 城音air flow suddenly and chang藍船e the direction of air flo拍家w, under the gravity and inertia for吧笑ce the larger particles s算家eparate with air and drop to the cone b民坐ottom of the co相一llector. This de店黑vice is fitted for colle月還cting large particle. There is i又黑ntercepter valve 行懂on the top of cyclone colle兵舞ctor, electric hoist starts wor懂南king, it matches with du謝拍st expelling device on the bottom of近山 cyclone collector. The p制如rocedure for dust dropping is tha紙書t exhaust gas enter into the 兵冷gravity setting device fr務站om horizontal direction,醫秒 under gravity forc購視e, dust would be sedimentation, and th很飛e clean air would be fl錯書ow through horizontal dir體姐ection, and realize the dust就子 collecting. 

The cyclone dust collect樹城or is the most effec窗這tive way to process dust美相 smoke air at present又黑 time. High pressur通紅e air is used to blow off the dust stic校人king on bag surfa船村ce. The pulse controller of&n員音bsp;dust collector cyclone will control the blow-off t機長ime and interval. The w亮河orking theory is東這: the pulse control能房ler on top of dust collector will bl體輛ow the bags in regu空照lar time, preset the pulse length a可玩nd interval. Th船路e action of electromagnet空了ic valve is controlle體還d by pulse controller. The order of 從體electromagnetic valve action i他會s from left to right side.電花

The centrifugal cyclone dust collec算下tor is widely used for st什理eel, food, refractory material, abr生湖asives, mineral, chemical industry.


Industrial cyclo很國ne dust collector operating principle is followin廠要g, turn down the speed of air flow 亮她suddenly and change the路美 direction of air fl吧店ow, under the gravity and inertia喝書 force the larger particle城草s separate with air and drop to th森著e cone bottom of制工 the collector. 
This device is fitted for collecti飛可ng large particle. There is intercep路冷ter valve on the top of cyclone collec場筆tor, electric hoist starts working現懂, it matches with dust expelling 村謝device on the bottom of cyclone collec都水tor. The procedure for dust droppin民爸g is that exhaust ga機東s enter into the gravity se雨船tting device from horiz年短ontal direction, under gravity force,生唱 dust would be sedimentation, and the c們慢lean air would be flow through horizon技機tal direction, and realiz窗個e the dust collecting. 
1. High ef月鄉ficiency, 99.9% fine 現又dust can b化不e filtered.
2.Save space, compa輛音re with the bag&nb書拍sp;dust collector, on離男e filter 都讀;can replace 7-9 bags,光森 it has large&nb自雪sp;filter area.
3 .The filter&n了鄉bsp;can use for&有開nbsp;longer time,&nb道著sp;the materi市開al of filt日冷er is polyeste不日r fiber, 樹務besides, a dust bo是跳ard is installed 河商;the dust 票腦;entrance,so that t月知he dust&nbs林工p;can’t impact 又子;filter direc從亮tly.
4.Convenient operation an議明d maintenance, the pressure los頻水s of medium, small power器我 consumption, operation, maintenanc兒如e costs are low.
5. There are wheels 錯分on the bottom of  t物我he dust collector, can mov裡離e everywhere freely.
6.The surface of box is stovi醫懂ng varnish, looks very nice.
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