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  • Low Pressure Long Bag Dust Collector
  • Low Pressure Long Bag Dust Collector
  • Low Pressure Long Bag Dust Collector
  • Low Pressure Long Bag Dust Collector
  • Low Pressure Long Bag Dust Collector
  • Low Pressure Long Bag Dust Collector
  • Low Pressure Long Bag Dust Collector
  • Low Pressure Long Bag Dust Collector
Low Pressure Long Bag Dust分說 Collector

Long bag low pressure pulse dust c外水ollector is a new p分通roduct concentrate the advantages of ga靜女s box pulse dust collector and 爸市long bag pulse dust collector. It is widely used in dust contro著日l and materials recovery in 男做metallurgical industry, building化河 materials industry, power indu黃現stry, chemical industry, carbon black a人如sphalt concrete mixing,多但 boilers, flue gas dust木文 or any other industries.

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Long bag low pressure pulse dust c空黃ollector is a new product concentrate 唱討the advantages of gas box pulse 商業dust collector and long b著玩ag pulse dust collector. It is widely u輛樂sed in dust contr市老ol and materials recov了舞ery in metallurgic對月al industry, bu筆吃ilding materials ind花他ustry, power industry, chemica話商l industry, car是答bon black asphalt concrete mixin森妹g, boilers, flue gas dust or 外不any other industries.亮在



Dust air enters each dust hopper廠我 from the inlet distributor, afte說內r induced and t年我he diversion by distributor, big size p東土articles of dust are separated d女村irectly into the ash bucket, and 喝舊the small and fine化著 dust fly into the f技身ilter chamber uniformly, and would be 長黑absorbed on the outsid土短e surface of the filt作哥er bag, dust into the filter務玩 chamber and adsorption in裡算 the filter bag.&nbs師輛p;

Then the clean gas through the filter懂音 bag enters into the air cleaning r銀視oom, flying into the 慢窗atmosphere through the air-exhausting 們什pipe and off-line valve.




1. Adapt pulse blowing dust cl畫謝eaning technology.

2. Long working service life and 南行good reliability.

3. Lower resistance.

4. Good sealing.

5. Can replace the bag dur那用ing working.

6. Perfect control system.





1.Professional ope外雪ration and maintenance and a comp暗來rehensive understanding of dust co這南llector’s characters and struct生會ure. To find and ha做舊ndle the problem timely, ensur但話e normal operation.

2.Running parts should b來這e regularly added o地生il.

3.If the dust concentra城愛tion in the chimne好要y increases indic身高ates that the bag ha作你s been damage, should close the金什 inlet and outlet val人計ve of single room,去裡 and then open the top cover校看. If if there is dust stacked on為紙 the mouth of the bag, then the filter和做 bag has been dam聽身aged. Replace or repair it.微懂

4.The dust colle事錯ctor resistance is g老費enerally set 1500Pa 區劇and the ash cleaning peri紙術od is adjusted according to the resista術金nce of the controller.

5.Compressed air system’s filters廠城 should be regularly cleaned, tripl喝身ets gas storage tank shou南又ld be injected int舊哥o the transparent紅月 oil # 1 ISOVG32 an上們d the lowest point o著購f the air bag to regularly discharge 房國the water.

6.Offline valve should be regularl爸外y maintained by prof畫廠essionals, electromagneti事空c pulse valve should be regu請綠larly checked.


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 low pressure long&關事nbsp;bag pulse dust&n愛輛bsp;collector
 Model LCM420-2x6 LCM462-2x4 LCM462-2x5 LCM462-2x6 LCM462-2x7 LCM462-2x8
Air volumem³/h 240000-302400 170000-221700 220000-277000 266000-332000 310000-388000 350000-443500
Filter area 5040 3696 4620 5544 6468 7392
Number of bags 1680 1232 1540 1848 2156 2464
Filtration velocity:(m/min  0.8-1.0
Equipment resis錯員tancepa 1500
Cleaning pressureMpa 0.2-0.4
Air consumpt麗師ionm³/min 5
Filter bag 木木;specificationsmm Φ160x6000
Weightt 175.6 115 142 171 199 237.8
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