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  • Air Box Pulse Dust collector
  • Air Box Pulse Dust collector
  • Air Box Pulse Dust collector
  • Air Box Pulse Dust collector
  • Air Box Pulse Dust collector
  • Air Box Pulse Dust collector
  • Air Box Pulse Dust collector
  • Air Box Pulse Dust collector
Air Box Pulse Dust 路討collector

Air box pulse bag dust collector&n費土bsp;is an outdoo頻中r type, having 33 s服很pecifications acc學錢ording to the number of rooms綠通 and the number of di錯女fferent bags per 行年room. There are four kinds睡資 of rooms with 32, 64, 96美輛, 128 bags. The d媽他iameter of bag is φ130mm and t快時he length is different of 2450m遠上m and 3060mm.

Its entrance dust density can up to術通 1000g/m³&nb雜輛sp;and the dust c又行ollect rate is 9醫問9.9% and more. This serie門黑s of dust collectors can w音我idely used in metallur南問gy, mining, electricity, building ma大呢terials, machine為去ry manufacturing, foo麗長d processing, chemical industry, boil農道er and other industries.

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Air box pulse bag dust c答下ollector is the most advanced dus我你t collector of 1990s intr對城oduced from the US. It combine the又也 advantages of chamb森哥er reverse blowing and pulse-jet blow小筆ing. So that it has a wid服資er range of application,improving t業兒he efficiency, extending the友要 using life of the filter bag. 時服 

This series of dust collector 近這is an outdoor type, having 33 specif上玩ications according to t來頻he number of roo我說ms and the number of different行去 bags per room. There are four kind們見s of rooms with 32, 64, 96, 128 bags. T快議he diameter of bag is φ130mm&nbs作志p;and the length is differen購商t of 2450mm and 306業說0mm.

This series of dust collec業時tor can be operated under n拿信egative pressure or positive如就 pressure, and its structure will no生暗t need to be changed. Its en個木trance dust density can up 街用to 1000g/m³ 就作;and the dust collect ra校跳te is 99.9% and more. This series就子 of dust collectors ca科低n widely used in metallurgy, mining, e農銀lectricity, building m購新aterials, machinery m機從anufacturing, food processing, 白微chemical industry, boil黑國er and other industries.

This series of collec文這tor can be used as pr河土imary dust collection This series of計河 dust collector f車站ilter are generally use of p店訊olyester needle felt個還. This dust collector can continuously答弟 processes materials of &n自睡bsp;temperature unde兵笑r 120ºC.  If the tem姐喝perature is mor你慢e than 120 ºC, n生國omex should be equipp視業ed, but the machine can wo來頻rk under and this material is見舞 expensive. Too hig業照h temperature materials sho海腦uld be cooling before feeding 高都into the machine.  




The dust collec關雜tor is mainly compos中暗ed of a gas 內嗎cleaning chamber,男森 a filtering chamber, a bracket, a filt器可ering device, a spray算器ing device, a dust discharging devic書月e, a ash conveyi房醫ng device, etc.

The dust air move through the in微熱let distributor into each chamb計器er. During this process們們, big dust ar生離e separated directly int如離o ash hopper, and fine dust e光街venly enters the filter chamber and 理遠adsorbed on the outer surface of t知吧he filter bag. And clean gas嗎少 get out from filter bag into the但金 air purifying chamber, and then throug車場h the off-li一很ne valve and the exhaust pipe, 風動discharging into the atmosphere車地.

Filter bag dust w我會ill pile up more and more. W鐘跳hen the resistance of the equipme說少nt reaches the limit resistance value (麗知usually set t現請o 1500Pa), du要著st control device will turn o科電ff the valve of the fir請劇st chamber, then turn玩動 on the electrically controlled pulse草分 valve to blowing the bag, accordi開相ng to a pressure 城喝value or cleaning time settings.&nb老視sp;The working principle is tha也數t, compressed air blowing 不上;the bag violen子秒tly, to shake th姐話e dust off the bag (even if the&nbs是玩p;stick fine dust) on th關飛e ash hopper.&nb件光sp;Then purified gas will 讀時get out into the atmosph愛城ere.


Air box pulse bag dus計睡t collector combines&nb黃城sp;the advantages of chamb嗎和er reverse blowing and pul舞舞se-jet blowing. The c樹見ollector takes high en又信ergy cleaning and fra城紅ctional structure. 窗國It has characteristic of ash cleaning,了現 high strength, high s兵子peed, short cycle, etc. So that it has 拍笑a wider range of app舞亮lication improving the 厭有efficiency, extending the高著 using life of 視兒the filter bag.

1. High adaptability design友行, bag dust colle呢放ctor can adapt to various prope大在rties of dust gas還麗.

2. Special design紅學ed structure and strict selec花拿tion of filters and components, it紙制 can meet the ver友報y strict environmental requirements, t章弟he bag dust collec間也tor can ensure that the exit 船民dust density is 友議less than 50mg/Nm3.

3.The optimized design of in也哥let and outlet duct is醫一 favorable for uniform airflow dist國美ribution.

4.Unique seal design, to ensure 劇腦that the air leakage r懂制ate of bag dust collecto呢作r is to a minimu雜妹m (<5%).

5.Partial structure design, conven關日ient in transportation and installatio新舊n, and high accur志可acy of the equip件行ment.

6.The using lif國但e of the main equipment is more than 20她現 years in technology.

7.Standardized d些秒esign, needing smal對花l storage of spare parts.



1.Operated by the長兒 one who totall山做y command the structure and很新 working principle of dust col音去lector, dealing with problems in time.章了

2.Running parts should be regularly一明 lubricated.&nb可裡sp;

3. If discharged dust d電友ensity increased comp來文ared to usual, indic影你ating that the filter bag may be 報票damaged. Closed down&n北對bsp;the input and&草愛nbsp;outlet valve, th信工en open the upper cover. If ther遠愛e is dust on the m影窗outh of bag, it mea會線ns the filter bag is damaged, w們子hich must be rep他草laced or repaired.

4. The resistance of dust co如微llector normally set in 150照煙0Pa. The bag cleaning pe頻明riod based on the and use th可白e controller's adjuster knob to mak路制e adjustments.

5.The filter of compress外在 air system should be clean regula友綠rly. 

6.Switch valve sho懂去uld be regularly地年 maintained by profession能見als, solenoid valve should be c舞務hecked regularly.


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Technology data&n公村bsp;of air 遠店box pulse bag dust&nb匠又sp;collector   熱信
Data of No.PPCS32(64)
Specification PPCS32-3(M) PPCS32-4(M) PPCS32-5 PPCS32-6(M) PPCS64-4 PPCS64-5 PPCS64-6 PPCS96-4 PPCS96-5
Air volume(m上從³/h) 6690 8930 11160 13390 17800 22300 26700 26800 33400
Whole filte一視r area(m2) 93 124 155 186 248 310 372 372 465
Number of filter bag(o吃議ne) 96 128 160 192 256 320 384 384 480
Air speed (m/min) 1.2-2.0
Resistance(pa) 1470-1770
Bag cleaning 0.4-0.6
Input air 西黑;volume(m³/min)男金 0.55
Specification of bag(mm) Φ130x2450
Weight(t) 3.14(3.25) 3.94(3.99) 4.44 4.86(5.76) 7.53 8.84 10.23 9.62 12.83
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