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  • Impact Crusher
  • Impact Crusher
  • Impact Crusher
  • Impact Crusher
  • Impact Crusher
  • Impact Crusher
  • Impact Crusher
Impact Crusher

Impact crusher is widely used in build算道ing materials, mining, che草能mical, coal, etc. Below m分間edium hardness brittle materials, such 人跳as limestone, dolomite, sh湖湖ale, sandstone, coal, asbestos, grap音草hite and rock salt, 湖短etc. 


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Description Of Impact Cr快工usher        時玩;      花視         &間做nbsp;    空河;     &n到機bsp;   &nbs呢妹p;    從開;          土通;        鄉分;       &n火跳bsp;     &老電nbsp;    

Impact crusher is他花 applicable for t離遠he materials’ size知動 between 100mm and 500mm, the strongest是你 anti-crush pressure is less 車費than 350Mpa.

Our impact stone c畫樹rusher has the advantages of hig厭到h crushing ratio,爸好 discharging material’s sha綠雪pe could be cubic particles.

Impact crusher is widely used fo但子r crushing materials in building mat腦高erials, ore crushing, ra樹師ilway, highway, energy, transportation車風, energy, cement, mining, che不聽mical and other industries.

The discharging m就店aterial’s  size can be ad音學justed and diverse specifica文謝tion.

Impact crusher is a 下紅new type of high efficie站綠ncy crushing equipment.

It is characteri一遠zed by small size, simp藍雨le structure, larg器物e crushing ratio, low energy cons國山umption, large production capacity, 裡吃uniform particle size, and selectiv照匠e crushing.


Impact Crusher Technical Dat動媽a Sheet     &n光技bsp;          樂訊         &做的nbsp;     &nbs都民p;         &nbs笑來p;       &nb慢化sp;     &到人nbsp;         東他          &nb外熱sp;   



Spc.   &nb現老sp;(mm)






Size (mm)








Roller speed
PF-54 Φ500×400 1.4 4-8 1495×1152×1010 7.5 <100mm <20mm 970r/min
PF-107 Φ1000×700 6.2 30-50 2170×2650×1850 45 ≤250mm ≤30mm  
PF-1210 Φ1250×1000 14.8 45-80 4025×3967×2850 115 <250mm ≤20mm 680r/min
PF-1315 Φ1320×1500 21 100-180 3329×2613&time妹東s;2705 220 ≤300mm ≤10mm  


Φ1000×1000 24 57-70 4360×3380×3200 75 <450mm <20mm

Frist: 640r/min 來購

Second : 860r/min

2PF-1212 Φ1250×1250 53 100-140 5025×5614×4053 130 <850mm <20mm

Frist: 530r/行煙min 

Second: 680r/min



Impact Stone Crusher Wor中關king Way      &nb鐘術sp;          上來;     &nbs家如p;         雨聽        &nb個從sp;          站劇         吧是        &n頻但bsp;   &nbs樂吃p;      

Impact crusher is d費務riven by the motor through the V-用黑belt, and t裡冷he rotor is driven to make directiona知月l rotation.

There are hangin舊器g several groups低微 of counter-attack plates on the upper懂得 part.The counter-attack plates are fac農工ing to the rotor海老. Materials fall into the screen plat高件e through the feeding mouth,體老 rapidly, hit by the rota市學ted hammer, and attack to the opposite黑是 counter-attack plates,信冷 then hit again by the coun化聽ter-attack and fall down, mutually, cru做兒sh with the material睡報 hit by the rotor continuously.&nbs男舞p;

So the materials are 數機repeatedly moved again白業 and again to be文區 broken.

The machine is composed of 5 parts紙愛, they are machine body, rotor p畫睡art, front and back 明慢counter-attack plate and煙筆 grid plate.


Stone Impact Crusher Suitable Mate樂可rials       &nb能計sp;         分視          &nb雜對sp;     &nb錢時sp;     &n用水bsp;   &nbs兵秒p;           坐用       做還       廠讀     

Suitable Material: non玩窗-metallic materials that is 山美hard rock with brittlenes個河s, and the stron不火gest anti-crush 就弟pressure is less哥業 than 350Mpa.

The materials’ size be兒刀tween 100mm and 5我兒00mm. Mainly used in met木一allurgy, mining, cement, c船少hemical, fireproofing and ceramics a民樂nd other industries, as well as hi理水ghway construction, water conservancy筆計 construction, gravel, sand proc媽數essing and other fields.

As the character of quick-we我城ar, the application of imp開吃act crusher in crushing high hardness m信劇aterials is limited.

It is more suitable for a v人雪ariety of soft and medium hardn話分ess ore, such a鐵說s limestone, feldspar, calcite, sli件用de stone, barite, r內東are earth, clay, kaoli和道n, dolomite, kaolin靜來, gypsum, graphite and麗謝 so on. It can be used for prima冷近ry crushing, se秒慢condary crushing and fine crushing.


Impact Crushing Mach廠站ine Working Principle &n日姐bsp;     雪街      &nb習妹sp;     &nb頻照sp;       &看睡nbsp;    章坐           &nb草西sp;         &nbs白白p;     &訊做nbsp;     

Impact crusher uses impacting forc讀農e to crush material. During working, 西森the rotor is driven by the 到遠motor to keep high rolling speed坐吧. Material is hit by長志 the hammer of the rotor and threw to 文們the counter-attack 如些plate to be hit again,&到小nbsp;then fall back 愛都on the hammer. Materials re區見peatedly move ag做姐ain and again, then materials 頻技get broken into required size and 綠對out through disc銀錢harge part. 生愛

The size and sh海訊ape of discharged materials can be 著紅changed by adjusting the dista報藍nce between counter-attack pl票唱ates and rotor. Mater匠物ials fall directly onto rota吧能ry table with high- rotat就坐ing speed from the uppe了開r part of the machine. 一畫Under the strong centrifugal for影聽ce, the materials are crushed and務妹 grinded with the ma西我terials located as umbrella-shap化生ed at the surrounding part of the rota農子ry table.

After the mater愛河ials hitting each other, the地來re would be eddy movement b醫草etween the rotary table and the 和暗shell, under the movement, the 雪慢materials would be hit, ru錯自bbed and grinded repeatedly, finally, 店司the materials are discharged direct相區ly from the bott器爸om. Forming closed circuit and circl土又e, and the screening 行白device controls the r林劇equired size.


Impact Crusher Advantages   &n雜快bsp;    服路          鄉輛;     厭微       船慢;     &n和相bsp;         &司呢nbsp;      可金           東線        &作森nbsp;       &nb大房sp;     &nbs些讀p;     &nbs雪資p; 

1). Simpler structure, smaller 的答size and light weight, larger ca作近pacity, lower cost. Bigger f靜房eeding mouth, larger crushin是多g cavity, harder mater銀什ials to process.

2). The ore is broken along the j跳車oint surface, so it’s l下校ow power consumpti年我on and high efficiency.

3).  Hig和火h crushing ratio which is up to 40%. 離信So that the crushi技就ng process could be changed f黃吃rom three times to two times to線見 save the cost.

4). The gap be電玩tween count秒笑er-attack and the hammer can b生她e adjusted conveniently, so the part月司icle size and shape can b金湖e controlled effectively.

5). Chrome hammer, hi麗木gh impact force and wear resistance場從.

6).  Non-火劇key connection to examine a服購nd repair, econ票黑omical and reliable.

7). More kinds of作跳 materials for crus學船hing, high capacity, low parts abrasio從說n. High efficiency.

8). Selective crushing, mos員兒tly, uniform size and白懂 cube shape of discha你聽rge material.



Impact Crusher Charac錯又ters           &n黃自bsp;       &nbs通請p;      近音         &錢問nbsp;     &n舊林bsp;         &nbs劇睡p;     &nbs站電p;       明唱       林訊     費算         身員;         &nbs紙我p;

1). Unique designed structu說聽re: Non-key connection, strong ri新一gidity, large rotationa區做l inertia of rotor.金煙 Chrome hammer, high impact and wear re視城sistance.

2). Effect秒們ive and energy cons章雜ervation: large feeding mouth, la微數rge crushing cavity, high efficienc費道y. Low wear and 煙民high cost- effective .

3). Good Shape of北大 Particles: the不樹 size of discharging material ar西雪e uniform and adjusted, and 秒上most are cube.

4). Whole hydraulic pressure op多不ening, easily to maintain and repla畫章ce wearing parts.



How To Maintain The Impact Crusher &舊樂nbsp;   &n日是bsp;     &nbs拍什p;          街這;          坐票           &n畫火bsp;         &n鐵中bsp;       &n理書bsp;         你坐        

1). According to 書遠the specific conditio照問ns, the machine ca外熱n be operated only after the protectiv窗樹e device is installed on the triangle化要 belt wheel.

2). No materials beyond 女自;the required size and no uncrushab們弟le materials.

3). Check the bolts頻舞 between the ro體章tor and hammer every 微車2 working hours. Immedi能時ately repair it還熱 if bolt is loose.

4). Check the counter-at低行tack plate every 24 working光光 hours in case of looseness身說.

5). Check the wear condition of 可體hammer, change it in time 新數when it is worn.

6). Rotating in require化服d direction.

7). Add II calcium b短小ase grease on beari家吧ngs every 800-100h; clean it with keros器是ene and replace t村司he new grease once a month去場.

8). Stop and check務可 when the machine works with abnormal 東黃sound and vibration, operate the mach行舊ine only after making sure the bug is e男雪liminated.

9). Don't open火志 the check door when machine i信時s working.

10). All the motor, controller and視月 other electrical device meet the 木唱electrical safety requirements.



Things need attention 對中when use the impact 吧店crusher machine &雨懂nbsp;          慢車;    慢畫        兒體;     &nb請低sp;         聽著    

Lubrication must be suff坐要icient; bolts must be tightened; ch頻錯eck doors must be tightly sealed;科校 hammer on the rotor an醫女d impact plates must be fastened; clea厭鐵rance between the rotor hamme唱國r and the impact pla多員te is appropriate, and no jam. 

Feeding materials gradually after m什土aking sure motor working well.

Turn off the machine only after購懂 stop feeding mat來林erials.

Turn off the motor onl快東y after all the material are discharge文熱d in the crushin風睡g cavity in machine.



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Type Spc.   &n刀動bsp;(mm) Weight  &n湖好bsp;(t)


capacity t/h

Size (mm)




Feeding size Discharge size

Roller speed

PF-54 Φ500×400 1.4 4-8 1495×1152×1010 7.5 <100mm <20mm 970r/min
PF-107 Φ1000×700 6.2 30-50 2170×2650×1850 45 ≤250mm ≤30mm  
PF-1210 Φ1250×1000計雪 14.8 45-80 4025×3967×2850 115 <250mm ≤20mm 680r/min
PF-1315 Φ1320×1500 21 100-180 3329×2613×2705 220 ≤300mm ≤10mm  
2PF-1010 Φ1000×1000木開 24 57-70 4360×3380×3200 75 <450mm <20mm

Frist: 640r/min&都行nbsp;

Second :&nb弟算sp;860r/min

2PF-1212 Φ1250×1250 53 100-140 5025×5614×4053 130 <850mm <20mm

Frist: 530r/min 

Second: 680r/min

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