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  • Jaw Crusher
  • Jaw Crusher
  • Jaw Crusher
  • Jaw Crusher
  • Jaw Crusher
  • Jaw Crusher
  • Jaw Crusher
Jaw Crusher

Jaw crusher applies to th司個e various minerals or rocks&n空鄉bsp;with strongest 習內anti-crush pressure less than 250Mpa輛音.  

It is widely used in mining到煙 industry, cement industry 吧動and concrete industry. and&n土吃bsp;mainly used to be b讀少oulder crusher and m微飛iddle crusher 一樂;in the mining, building 我能materials, capital construction or an光購y other depa歌土rtments.


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Description Of Jaw會暗 Crusher      外妹       &n線說bsp;     愛但          &nbs城鄉p;       唱生    &n樹跳bsp;    的媽         &醫上nbsp;      校離;         &nbs兒北p;     &畫機nbsp;     話媽        &n好什bsp;  

Jaw crusher 內報;applies to the various miner多道als or rocks with st水商rongest anti-crush press看答ure less than 2放拍50Mpa.  It is widely used in mini一業ng industry, cement industry and concre子喝te industry. 

Jaw stone crusher m窗動ainly used to be bou門醫lder crusher and midd兒器le crusher in the mining錯做, building materials, capital const章近ruction or any oth輛們er departments. 

According to the feed如票ing size, the crus現火hers are divided into large, medium 歌關and small three type男關s:

1). Feeding mouth i火她s greater than 6船藍00MM for large machines;通遠 

2). Feeding mouth of 300-600MM for the中愛 medium-sized m自少achine;

3). Feeding mouth less than 300MM 了你for small machine.&n那北bsp;


Jaw Crusher Technical Data She媽姐et      內區           &n放輛bsp;       &nbs影光p;        區草;     &n木訊bsp;         &nb那說sp;     &n技懂bsp;      內看           &她音nbsp;        


Model No. Spec.(mm) Weight(t)



Size(mm)  Feeding Size   Outlet 坐現width 



PE-250 250×400 3.1 5-20 2060×1261×黑數1413 <210mm 20-80mm 18.5
PE-320 320×500 4.73 10-38 1500×1500×1438 <270mm 30-90mm 30
PE-400 400×600 6.9 14-65 1700×1732&ti刀請mes;1596 <350mm 40-160mm 30
PE-400 400×600 6.5 17-60 1680×1710×1601 ≤350mm 40-100mm 30
PE-450 450×1200 16 50-100 2200×2360×1西地980 <380mm 50-120mm 75
PE-500 500×750 12.07 40-95 2200×1916×1970 <425m 50-100mm 55
PE-600 600×900 17.67 60-200 2350×2280×2390 <500mm 75-200mm 75
PE750×1050 750×1050 23.42 80-200 3000×2466&time媽光s;2590 <630mm 80-180mm 90
PE750×1060 750×1060 24 90-260 3000×2466×2592 <630mm 80-200mm 90
PE900×1200 900×1200 52 140—280 3380×2870×3330視新 <750mm 95-220mm 110
PE1200×1500 1200×1500 101 400—800 4200×3300&我劇times;3500 <1020mm 150-300mm 200
PEX150×750 150×750 4 8-35 1480×1630×1040 <120mm 10-40mm 15
PEX175×75上離0 175×750 4.5 10-35 1460×1630×1170 <140mm 15-50mm 18.5
PEX250×750秒現 250×750 5.824 15-35 1600×1744×1380 <210mm 15-50mm 30
PEX250×100熱海0 250×1000 7.032 16-51 1600×1992×1380 <210mm 15-50mm 37
PEX250×1200 250×1200 9.1 20-60 1680×2200×1405 <210mm 15-50mm 45


Jaw Stone Crusher Workin花花g Way   &n樹鐵bsp;          湖信     做是          &n吧草bsp;          房他        錯明     &n畫樂bsp;   &nbs冷內p;         &河業nbsp;       &可弟nbsp;   

The working parts of jaw 事黃crusher are two jaw plate, one is現外 static(fixed jaw), it 們可is vertically 工熱(or slightly lean outside)&nb著亮sp;fixed on the front wall of the對來 body, 

the other is the dynamic(m房體oving jaw),&nbs音報p;it is in a tilt position a費體nd forms a small crushing cha制腦mber (working chamber) w呢錢ith the fixed jaw plate.來玩 

The movable jaw p問藍lates are periodically reciprocated aga你秒inst the fixed jaws, sometimes sepa劇子rated and sometimes close醫做. 

When it is separated, the material ent章熱ers the crushing chamber and th水視en the product is discha海年rged from the lower part.&子慢nbsp;

When it is near, the material be上吃tween the two jaws火不 is crushed by crushing, b喝民ending and splitting.


Jaw Crusher Suitable Materials &nbs兒男p;      是黑;       &雪白nbsp;        輛說     &工中nbsp;     &會書nbsp;       &nb高裡sp;       &道風nbsp;      火地;         &nb學嗎sp;       &nbs熱個p;       &nbs費拿p;      

Stone jaw crusher wid如很ely used in 懂林;the fine or grinding work of r厭長iver pebbles, rocks (limestone, gran事街ite, basalt, diabase, andesite, 關森etc.), 

ore tailings, stone chips, 聽商building aggregate, road fabrics, bedd機刀ing materials, asphalt concrete都件 and cement concrete aggregate. 

It also can produce machin學也e-made sand in engineering a木筆reas and shape stone.


Working Principle For The城刀 Jaw Crushing Machine   &nbs花刀p;    金事          美站       &nbs關訊p;       &nbs跳外p;       &麗學nbsp;     &nb好的sp;      

The upper end of the moving jaw is d友間irectly suspend美生ed from the eccentric sh銀司aft. 

As the connecting rod of t白光he crank connecting rod mecha男得nism, it is dir綠對ectly driven by the ec樂嗎centricity of the eccentric sha作可ft. 

The lower end of the路筆 moving jaw is suppo在笑rted by the thr水懂ust plate to the rear wall of the 什靜frame. 

When the eccentric shaft r也廠otates, the motion器黃 trajectory of the points on美話 the moving jaw is made up of the circ家議umferential line of the suspension 錯亮point (radius equal to the eccentri睡錢city), gradually becoming ellip山聽tical downward, th對要e lower part, the問玩 oval is more partial, until the lower 器化part and the thrust plate.

The connection point trajec山湖tory is a circular line 行舊because of this machine 舞他moving jaw on th花妹e point of the movement trajec跳雨tory is more complex,通農 so called complex swing ja美時w crusher.

When jaw crusher is w嗎她orking, dynamic j風這aw plate run&n錢樂bsp;reciprocating爸物 motion agains黑員t static jaw plate, sometime上信s close, sometimes left. 

When approaching, t市樹he material is squeezed betwe可下en the two jaws, splitting, shock an暗吧d broken; when left, has been broken ma木從terial by gravity a術分nd discharged from新月 the discharge port. 

When feeding the jaw crusher, the m數這aterial is poured into the crushing 能看chamber containing the jaw t上議eeth from the top entran行海ce, and the jaw 樹藍teeth pierced the m是答aterial to the chamber wall with great 機遠power and broken it into smaller stone長校s, support the jaw mo學分vement is an eccentric shaft, this ec市冷centric shaft through the body frame.頻門 

The eccentric movement is caus議腦ed by the belt drive of the pulley f唱在ixed to the shaft end by the motor,很劇 and the flywheel at the other end 務錢of the shaft acts as a balanc了雪e. Pulleys, flywheels and 舞線eccentric shafts support公得 bearings often use s店頻pherical roller bearings拍黑, bearings must withstand a購工 huge impact load, ab司路rasive sewage and high temperature.


Advantages And C電知haracters For T可為he Jaw Crusher Machi器身ne     &nb街冷sp;     &n很刀bsp;     &nbs黃紙p;         &n農術bsp;     &n紙呢bsp;       &是樹nbsp;  

The advantages of our jaw crusher ar輛從e: light in weight and less in compon藍樂ent, but more comp樂笑act in structure. T工們he crushing chamber can be fill多腦ed in a good conditi很弟on and material in it also 關弟can be broken evenly. The亮外refore, our productivity is 20-30% 美街higher than other same specificati房理on. Performances are as foll玩從ows:

1). Reliability 

We adopt the world-class manufactur通購ing process and choose the top material就快s, such as: producing 厭民moving jaw with high-物高quality cast steel, and hea個分vy eccentric shaft with forging p開短rocessing, the equipment has 雜熱exceptional reliability, durable.

2). Higher strength

Using limited ele章吃ment analysis technolog關看y, the cooperation between民老 overall cast steel bear我匠ing seat and the rack, greatly enhance草得d the radial strength of the bearing訊麗, therefore, the devic知坐e has a higher strength.

3). Safe and quick adjustmen要爸t

Crusher cavity with symmetrical &qu但錢ot;V"-shaped struc些學ture and discharger with wedge adju開機stment device make the adjustment sim會微pler, safer and quicker.

4). Stronger carrying c都海apacity

Larger and more durable 為銀eccentric shaft bearings and toothed哥和 panels make the equipment carrying cap人們acity stronger. So唱金 its yield is higher, worki樹歌ng life is longer.還服


How To Maintain T我線he Jaw Crusher &短樹nbsp;     &筆新nbsp;         &nb資海sp;     &n問船bsp;     &nbs得弟p;     &n中訊bsp;       車見    &低報nbsp;    冷答           &個黑nbsp;   &nbs間山p;     &n謝聽bsp;       &門購nbsp; 

In order to ensure the norm男身al operation of the jaw crusher, 山了in addition to correct operation, you m刀腦ust have plan for maintenance關來, including routine maintenanc討媽e, minor repair兵事, repair and over上玩haul.

1). Minor repair子銀 include inspection and 嗎要repair of adjustment device 樂金;and adjustment of the商計 discharge gap, the wear 新匠of the liner U-tur冷樂n or replacement. Checking th作請e transmission part兵腦 and the lu員近brication system&n司訊bsp;or replacing the lubr少秒icating oil in tim我時e are also necessary. This per飛知iod will last 1-3 months or so.

2). In addition to&到唱nbsp;above work,線船 the repair also include t時身he replacement of Push plate, liner公民 plate, inspection and re為亮pair of&nbs知靜p;the pad and so on. The rep票明air period is generally abou外南t 1-2 years.

3). Overhaul,&n學大bsp;in addition to the work done in th體秒e repair, but also include replaci媽和ng the eccentric shaft and e-m慢我andrel, casting rods at the top 外音of the Babbitt, repa聽購iring a wear parts. Ov上錯erhaul is generally about 5 y文不ears.


How To Protection The Jaw Crusher Equip跳快ment     &nbs近開p;       &n雪小bsp;         &兵器nbsp;   &nbs司坐p;           &照朋nbsp;   &n分樹bsp;      山現;     &nbs個個p;     行錢 

1). Closing and checking jaw黑白 crusher periodically. 內吃Any stone crushing equipm學答ent in the switch machine, should 路章pay attention to regular文動 jaw crusher, check  inside學身 the wear and tear, such as the center們分 inlet pipe, cone cap, impeller, the l商報ower runner liner, round guard刀上,the wear and tea東短r of the wear bloc爸購k. You should replace the serious we資黃ar parts in 工慢time repai匠通r it. Also pa子歌y attention to the wei鐘不ght and dimension of the員可 replacement parts etc. It m西答ust be replaced b作術y the original 窗離part parameters.

2). Regularly check th他章e driving belt of jaw cru輛體sher. Jaw broken conve物要yor belt is  indispensab商都le in stone production line, the mach懂美ine is driven by the driving belt. 生笑Regularly adjust the d電請egree of tightening the conveyor 關習belt to ensure uniform transmi光東ssion belt. When the two motors a自時re driven, the tr動廠iangular tape on both sides身筆 should be group樂西ed so that the 們很length of each group拿習 is as uniform as possible. If you f算這ind the belt wear too much, p校兵lease replace it in time.

3).Lubrication of mechanical p化影arts. Jaw crusher with autom媽讀otive grease grade or 3 lithium ba高器se grease, each working 400 hours 下歌to add the right amount of 嗎到grease; after working&nbs內輛p;2000 hours, open the spindle ass工不embly to clean the bea視黃rings; general work 7200 hou玩做rs to replace the new bearings.

In addition, in order to e風雪nsure the jaw crusher’s normal山土 work, except the co舞師rrect operation,  it must be pl請相anned maintenance, including routi器理ne maintenance ,minor repair, rep民頻air and overhaul.


Cautions When Using The Jaw Crusher &nb地冷sp;   &nbs頻些p;          水時;       &n作土bsp;         &nb中書sp;        空如;       &西他nbsp;       &nbs這劇p;     &輛吧nbsp;       &很快nbsp;    遠外

After operation normal工麗ly, feeding the 業身;production.

The material to be crushe但的d should be fed into the crusher 短厭chamber evenly. Avo光員iding lateral feeding or filling 醫有for overloading.關身

The temperature of bear兒廠ing should not exceed 30 ℃, the maxim地相um temperature shall no藍還t exceed 70 ℃. 從坐 Otherwise stop ru文公nning.

Stop feeding when it 子謝is not work. The material in the ca如購vity is completel歌報y discharged before下頻 the power turned off.

If material blockage 月志in crushing cavity, turn of吃朋f the power. Cleaning it for next微問 running.

One end of the 又他jaw plate is worn,紅村 it can use the ot多民her end.

After a period using, fasten件雜ing bushing shell for avoiding&兵報nbsp;damage to the machine.


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