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  • Vertical Coal Mill
  • Vertical Coal Mill
  • Vertical Coal Mill
  • Vertical Coal Mill
  • Vertical Coal Mill
  • Vertical Coal Mill
  • Vertical Coal Mill
  • Vertical Coal Mill
Vertical Coal Mill

Vertical coal mill use the小機 hydraulic pressure so 地黑that the pressure and quality is stabl小醫e. The grinding eff化微iciency of vertical co短美al mill is high, save 20%-30% electrici分兒ty compared to ball mill. The percentag爸那e of dewatering for materi的鐘al is reach to 10%. The finene一友ss of productions雨樂 is easy to adj生腦ust. The size of part樂道icle is homogenou件購s.

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Product Description of 快歌vertical mill  銀醫      聽線;       &n月哥bsp;         白說        &nb很喝sp;        費有;        新書;         &nbs站我p;        東業     &醫哥nbsp;        &nbs土我p;      

The vertical mill is in fine grinding equi樂聽pment, grinding, drying, sepa空理rating and transporting in城資 one, is widely used上高 in various solid materials of ceme請票nt, building materials, e知地lectric power, metallurgy, ch請站emical industry, non-met廠愛allic mineral indu東紙stries such as grinding a司很nd ultra fine grinding.


Vertical milling can r學樂educe 20-30% ene遠麗rgy cost compared with ball mil章森l, and can dry 10% m資錯oisture of materials.


The fineness of produc動服t is adjustable. And the size is unifor兵員m. It has simple opera商討tion,small footprint數火 and convenient maintena好妹nce.


It has low noisy and l離能ittle dust when working. As靜短 the development of vert樹腦ical mill, it is also秒資 used in medical and food.



Principle of vertical mill &n是路bsp;     可水         路快           &弟時nbsp;        山相           &媽事nbsp;       &n黑樹bsp;          跳間;    去姐        動服;       &錢得nbsp;     &n雨子bsp;    &數錢nbsp;


The grinding pl店快ate of vertical mill is driven by 內街the motor through reducer. Material falls to the是筆 center of millstone and then m跳空ove towards edge under the centr匠著ifugal force. 


Meanwhile it is rol家土led by roller. After crushing, m分嗎aterial overflow from the呢器 edge, then it is tran些會sfered to the high e從通fficient separator 他章by hot air from nozzle ring.&nbs刀嗎p;


The bigger materials木兒 transmitted back to grinding an業通d the qualified materials wil頻不l be collected by the d要物ust collecting system.


The big materials that 這長is not carried and meta愛下l parts entering accidentally w遠姐ill be ground through the externa好作l circulation of bucket.



Advantage of vertical mi報靜ll machine     兵長     報都;      小都           習生    &n火街bsp;          白作;         理媽        章影          &站車nbsp;    電笑;    


1. Simple process, comp民高act structure and small constru笑議ction area.


2. Vertical mil服生l has it own separator and does no電通t need additional separator and 這事elevator.


3. Vertical mill has no steel喝人 ball and impact 到到liner inside, so the noise is very sma是大ll, lower than ball mill about 20 ~ 2行樹5dB.


 4. For using full closed鐘林 system, vertical mill can work under愛好 the pressure without air pollution.船森


5. Equipped with auto-control sys學鐵tem,can be long-dista麗什nce controlled conveniently.




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