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  • Dry Process Cement Production Line
  • Dry Process Cement Production Line
  • Dry Process Cement Production Line
  • Dry Process Cement Production Line
  • Dry Process Cement Production Line
  • Dry Process Cement Production Line
  • Dry Process Cement Production Line
  • Dry Process Cement Production Line
Dry Process Cement Producti票爸on Line

The main systems of the dry微車 process cement 飛人production line include cru了要sh and prior homogenization年子 system, raw ma車木terial preparation and homog光通enization packaging system些讀. Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Manufacture 我數Company has the ability for cons女男tructing the cement prod拿黑uction line with the capability暗北 from 1000t/d to 6000t/d.&n雨電bsp;

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The cement production pro自都cess is that, crushing the r店場aw materials and grinding it into海吃 particles; then transmit the particl鄉筆es into high temperature kiln, calc謝美ining it into c空時linker; finally mix the 從員clinker and moder去放ate gypsum, finally grind 紙妹the mixture into cement.

According to the application, 國南cement products is di我劇vided into general cement廠山, special cement, characteristic c都木ement. General cement mainly incl靜麗udes the following six general ceme農資nts: ordinary portl水麗and (silicate) cement, portland ceme新答nt, slag portland cement, volca她你no gray portland cement藍鐘, coal ash portl放請and cement and composite portland cem影信ent.

Chaoyang Heavy Machinery Manufacturing湖信 Co. Ltd. has always been committe離開d to design and produce equipments&秒東nbsp;using in the c女門ement production line, includ時頻ing: cement grinding mill, pulverize校土d coal preparation system, raw mat離離erial grinding equipment, lar唱訊ge-scale cement 事時rotary kiln. At present, our com鐘站pany has become the domestic first-c門上lass  comprehensive 明他service provider of grinding system. Th綠爸rough cooperation wi市森th a number of cement design instit議作ute for many years, our company alr自見eady have the strength in cons車物truction of cement production 數來line and  cement grinding stat市購ion project, ha很下ving rich experience 友腦in practice.

Main products

Cement rotary kiln
Cement rotary kiln煙懂 is the main 地姐equipment for calcinat亮現ion of cement clink歌放er, and has been w下書idely used in cement, metallurgy在遠, chemical and other industries. The務些 device is composed of a cylinder 樂也body, a supporting device, w報放ith gear wheel supporting device, 不我driving device, movable kiln head and子費 tail sealing dev黃懂ice, burning device and other compo明這nents, the rotary kiln has th水購e advantages of simple s街裡tructure, reliable operation, easy pro店民duction process etc.
Cyclone preheater


Grate cooler

Grate cooler is a quench cooling machi雜和ne, its principle is: w理化ith the air blower, the shop 但對on the grate into layered cl藍筆inker to quench the c光作linker temperatu們南re by 1200 ℃ drop to 100 ℃, a lot of 裡鐘gas cooling in the ki答去ln for the two wind.

1.Mining system:The equipment用算 includes: large drilling rigs, shove森現l loading equipment and tran月很sport vehicles. By mean視鐵s of blasting, th答厭e limestone will become uneven bl分信ocks.

2.Raw materials crushing分車 system:Limestone needed be coarse爸山 and fine crushed after mined.

3.Raw material homogenizin時間g and storage syste睡車m:The chemical component of li一坐mestone after grinding is very uns門就table, so it need t海喝o be prehomogenization.

4.Raw material batchin黑學g system:The limest個匠one, clay, sandstone and other raw m門又aterials will be tran吧媽smitted into the batching system a近說fter homogenized. Accor那湖ding to specific cement formula, 訊人using advanced electronic be子日lt scale for accurate measureme不大nt production.

5.Raw materials grin行報ding system:The materials come 金音from batching system will be gr長房inded by ball mill 到服or advanced vertical mill.

6.Raw material hom章在ogenizing and feeding system:After gri遠生nding, raw materials nee能小d to be homogenize內愛d second time, to ensure the 外紅stability of the chemical compon國媽ent of cement, in order to produce 還秒cement to meet the qua窗微lity requirements.

7.Clinker firing system:After grindin靜白g, homogenization, ra木討w materials began to be calcined.

8.Clinker storage and bulk transmissio家微n system:The produced clink城女er is transmitted into the st樂媽orage bin and transported to the grin子中ding station in three ways:匠長 car, train and ship, or meet the pr城視oduction needs o姐在f its own cement筆都 plant.

9.Cement batching and grinding syst劇校em:According to the different req身現uirements of cement specificatio讀金ns, moderate amo答坐unt of gypsum and mi公她xed materials are added into the clinke西線r. The cement will be put into聽到 the cement grinding equipment aft件多er batching by the high precision 紙但measurement scale. Thus t近好he cement with good quality is produc話熱ed.

10.Cement storage 房師and delivery system:The cement after雪家 grinding will be stor笑懂ed in the cement cylinder. Aft厭都er a series of rigorous chemical裡國 testing and physical testing, 都對the qualified cement pr亮問oducts can be so兵時ld as a finished product.



1.The vertical coal m校刀ill produced by Ch相樂aoyang Heavy Machinery Manufacturing 姐腦Co. Ltd. has low power consump生紙tion, its final product quality can me兵黃et production needs. Its dust emissio知家n concentration is much lower than the是水 national standard. According t筆但o the flammable 事懂and explosive cha章懂racteristics of錯對 coal powder, the system著暗 is equipped with automatic monitoring內場, alarm, fire extingu服從ishing system. The sy長內stem is safe and reliable.

2.The cement vertical mil藍路l produced by our 村機company has a s吧白trong competitive advantages 習愛in market: good 動河quality of cement, high output, low冷劇 power consumption, low cost.


Related Production

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Large Capacity Reversible 關草Hammer Type Rock Mining M雨門achine Stone Impact Crusher
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FOB Price: US $ 2205 - 242647 / Set

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Min. Order: 1 Set , Cylinder Mixer ca腦微n be OEM
FOB Price: US $11760 - 411760 / 跳林Set 

Grinding Metallic An朋城d Nonmetallic Ores And Rocks Ball Mill

Min. Order: 1 Set , Ball mill 訊林can OEM
FOB Price: US $ 20580 - 514700 / 拍人Set

For Cement Or Lime理黃 Professional Supply Rotary Kiln
Min. Order: 1 Set , Rotary Ki視離ln can be OEM
FOB Price: US $80882 - 1485290 / Se聽拍t

High Efficiency Manufacturer W笑制ind Mill Grinding Coal Ball Mill

Min. Order: 1 Set , Wind swept 廠學coal mill can be OEM
FOB Price: US $ 3235看舞2 - 220588 / Set




Main equipment of n得民ew dry process cement pro電煙duction line
Rotary kiln
five-stage cyclone preh服妹eater
five-stage cycl熱妹one preheater
five-stage cyclone preheater
five-stage cyclone preheater
double five-stage cy媽熱clone preheater
double five-stage c喝懂yclone preheater
Decomposing furnace
Grate Cooler
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