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Where does the Rotary kiln always子說 use?Date:2017-06-08 08:22:17 歌車   站媽;Author:Chaoyang Heavy Machin站雜ery Manufacture Co., Ltd.

Rotary kiln means Rotary calcining kiln Belong to build又秒ing materials equipmen兒土t category.

Rotary kilns use in the build了飛ing materials, metallurgy, chem務報ical, environmen術業tal protection and m北那any other production industries.exte去是nsive use of rotary cylinder equipment 謝有for solid materials for mech筆我anical, physical or chemical trea民火tment.

Colored and black metallurgy, iron, al房鐘uminum, copper, zinc, tin, nickel, t謝服ungsten, chromium, file and other meta喝新l to rotary kiln for讀筆 smelting equipment

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