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Working principle for the dust c師林ollectorDate:2017-06-15 10:54:30  &n鐘多bsp; Author:Chaoyang 還學Heavy Machinery Manufacture Co., L草理td.

The dust collector is mainly composed of a gas 藍她;cleaning chamber, a 飛白filtering chamb舞民er, a bracket, a filter紅報ing device, a spraying d裡資evice,

a dust discharging device, a ash得水 conveying device, etc.

The dust air move 長雪through the 現得inlet distributor in多如to each chamber of the Air Box Pulse Dust co快用llector

During this process, big dust&微呢nbsp;are separated directly in但黑to ash hopper, and fine算術 dust evenly enters the 她懂filter chamber an謝業d adsorbed on the舞計 outer surface of the filter bag.

And clean gas get out from&nb有開sp;filter bag into the ai線為r purifying chamber, and then through&工校nbsp;the off-line valve and the exh風月aust pipe, dischar店看ging into the atmosphere.

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